
Take these 5 episodes of House Hunters and call me in the morning.

Lemme guess, you’ve never heard of Charles or Ray Eames, right?

I disliked this film when I saw it on Saturday. Now, with some time to reflect, I’m really hating it. Who was Snoke? Fuck you, it doesn’t matter. Who’re Rey’s parents? Screw off, it’s irrelevant. Here’s some wacky hijinks at an interstellar casino, suck it up and enjoy that, you dipshit Star Wars fan.

And the power steering was well worth the upgrade.

Also, Qyburn’s giant crossbow rocket launcher is terrible and looks like it belongs in Army of Darkness or Dragonheart or any of those ‘90s medieval fantasy movies where they have impossibly complex weaponry just to make it more badass, and the fact it was hidden in giant wagon that had collapsible walls was even

Did....did you just glaze past the “new full auto” portion of the statement you directly quoted?

Watching it, it looks like it would be only good for seeing how many rounds you could waste down range. Bump fires at least look moderately accurate. This set up looks like a nightmare to control.

Most rifles with a scope can be used to hit targets from a good distance. Long distance shooting is harder than the movies make out, especially since people generally don’t stand still, but does occasionally happen like the DC sniper case.

Really though public shootings are limited by one main thing, the number of

It’s a little complicated. It is illegal to manufacture automatic weapons, but weapons manufactured before 1986 were grandfathered in.

Depending on the place you can get a permit to own one, which requires getting entered into a database and money.

The problem was never his removal from the community contributor program. Foch himself admitted that he probably should never have even been included. The problem, and the only reason the community as a whole is in uproar is the copyright strike threat, and the apparent denying stance WG has chosen to take. Even after

Look, I hate this guys “brand” just as much as you clearly do, but at issue here is that the developer in question threatened to use the DMCA against him in a way that arguably would only work because of Youtube’s policies, and not the law itself. The company essentially saw content they didn’t care for and

SirFoch is the one in the community who is more vocal about problems in the game. He is surprised when he got the Community Contributor status when obviously his videos aren’t really suited for that. He also said that he will not change even he was granted that status.

I’m on Wargaming’s side for putting the video down

Leveling isn’t that slow, if you just follow the main story and do leveling roulette, you pretty much keep in step.

how did i miss that? my apologies. like episode 1 to current?

It’s definitely not polished but it damn sure is fun.

Considering Sapkowski’s disdain for the games, and previous comments, the headline seems a little misleading. He got paid upfront, and even demanded a lump sum instead of being cut in on the backend.

This isn’t someone being screwed over, this is someone being shortsighted and pigheaded.

As opposed to being a established player griefing newbies? Karma is a bitch. Also tricking someone like this is called fighting smart.

Are you kidding. If you go to Japan and ask a classroom full of teenagers they have never heard of Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, FLCL, Trigun. They are way way too old. Already forgotten. In anime and manga land if it didn’t come out yesterday, its already old and forgotten. Thats why so many things get the manga