
J.J. Abrams did a really great job with the Star Trek reboot then completely shit the bed with Into Darkness. I can’t even fully remember the third film, so forgettable was the plot. 

Jesus, what a shit show. Libraries in K-12 schools today are pathetic as it is. Just look at how short the shelves are. I rarely even see my daughter come home with books. So on the off chance one of those books might have some sort of pro-gay character or comment, they have to be removed? Nice. Stop calling that room

Ha ha ha. Hate reading. I was on the fence, but kept with it.

I watched all seven parts of Midnight Mass. Sooooo good! Just what the doctor ordered for Christmas. Ha ha. 

I couldn’t agree more. I have always hated watching them, although it was a bizarre family viewing sort of thing growing up to watch the Miss America pageant. If the whole thing disappears some day it won’t be soon enough.

This is exactly right. 

If Brian killed her, most of the evidence is going to be in the camper van, if any. They also want to search his personal car, as it is simply just additional evidence. His DNA will be in both vehicles, for one reason. Neither he nor his family are obligated to provide a DNA sample.

I don’t think the family is as

I’m so glad a doctor has come forward to directly challenge this bullshit law. As a former Texan, I cannot understand why my stupid, fucking fellow state citizens are still obsessed with controlling women like they are cattle. Fuck Greg Abbott and every shit-kicking redneck Bible thumper that allowed this to happen.

They are now as commonplace as car accidents your friends are personally involved in. We had three in my town in one month of 2015 alone. In fact, that is an even higher rate. It’s become the de facto way to show the world you are unhappy.

The demographics of mass shooters mirror the demographic profile of this country, which happens to be 65% white. All races commit these acts, but they are all overwhelmingly committed by men.

While that is the usual case, this is the son of a Syrian refugee with clear mental problems his family ignored as he showed them the gun he had just purchased six days prior to the shooting. Kind of a heart-warming story there, ignoring and in a way enabling your paranoid little brother or son. They did take the gun

Reactions to this interview for me are a great litmus test to root out those grumbling, mostly silent bigots that only come out when they feel it’s safe. I love that they outed the Firm as they call the royal family. And further more, fuck their monarchy, that anachronistic shit-show full of inbred fossils.

Jesus, what a creep your grandad there. You really should have told him to eat shit and die while he was alive, if you didn’t get the chance. It’s important not to let life go to waste with words unsaid. 

Honestly, I liked his show, but that was pre-Santa Letterman. That ridiculous beard makes him look like a complete clown now. 

And having grown for years under the influence of testosterone and then having it medically controlled does not magically erase those muscle gains.

It’s heartening to see some of you taking a closer look at this and seeing how it’s hurting other kids.

This morning was  a hearty feast of humor celebrating the death of this fat dolt. I laughed and laughed, and then laughed some more! As a young man, I listened to his radio show daily and nodded my head. Fresh out of college, what did I know about the world? As it turned out, nothing, as my corporate employers and the

Thanks for running this memorial of Tarses. I had not heard of her before. She sounds like she was an extraordinary person and hopefully in a small way she has paved the way for other women in that shit career path of a network executive. 

Having spent quite a lot of Covid time watching daytime TV lately, I have seen hours of Mike Lindell shilling his pillows. For one, they are god awfully expensive. But I wondered what people thought of them. Apparently they are not that well liked and near impossible to return and get your money back on. You also have

The story I have read elsewhere is that his lawyer is claiming he was getting death threats at his former address, so he moved. The police refused to keep his new address from the public, so they withheld it from them. Ha ha. OK, let’s see what a judge thinks of that excuse.