
There are people out there that still cry themselves to sleep every night that he is no longer their President. That is at least half as funny as this rage quit letter.

Plus, I’m fairly sure Trent is a decent husband and father to his kids. He even worries that his pessimism is bad for them. Ha ha.

It does remove the opportunity to boo heartily each and every viewing. 

Someone installed steel tubs coated with enamel under some travertine, which has now deposited calcite all over them and rusted the metal to where it is erupting in rust pustules all over. Yeah, gross.

I would go so far to contact the women the rapist raped and encourage them to report it to the police and get an investigation going. That might embolden women he had more recently raped, as you know he is still doing it, to come forward. In addition, it will smear his shit-stained name around these circles as you

Fortunately, there are so many national guard troops sleeping on the marble floors of the capitol, it would take a band of lunatics...or..wait, they might still come. They are loonies after all. 

I hope that law enforcement shows up in force this time and just opens fire on the Proud Boys, faketriots, and other scum that want to try round two of this bullshit. I hope the fucking streets run with blood and their bodies pile up in walls. Everyone else stay home and watch it on television. 

This asshole needs to serve time in jail, like a fucking year at least. And he needs to lose any medical certifications he now holds. Fuck him.

Because sadly, Bernie says things like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez was a great guy and failing to distinguish social welfare programs from socialism, you know, the kind where the state runs the economy. He consistently lets conservatives paint him as a communist. But yeah, I voted for him in the Dem primary, knowing his

It looks like they did most of the cutting at the old welds. Very cool! And also amazing how thick those double hulls are. 

My dad got remarried when he just turned 80 or so. He had been buying Buick La Sabres for some time at that point. I inherited one of them, which my wife then started to drive. It didn’t last long, as it was both unreliable and available parts were poor quality. My dad’s new wife said one day, “Why do you drive that

You just can’t have any public art if there is a hint of competition with the Jesus. 

I sure hope not, for both of their sakes. 

I know Southern women like this and when they “joke” like that, what they are saying is everything they intended to say. The exception is, “bless your heart.”

Shit, stick a fork in your dead, zombie marriage and go fuck whoever openly. I just don’t get these traditionalists that stick with their marriages like they are some sort of entity that needs blood or it will die. Let it go.

Got some Covid for ya, and the clap!

They clearly let the whole place go to hell over the years. What did they expect? Cables rust and need to be replaced. The jungle is harsh on metals.

Well, I have kind of had an experience like this crawling into a room in a cave and suddenly having a swarm of bats fly out past me in the crawlway. This meant bats pelting me in the chest, falling in front of me, and then getting up to try and fly in the right direction. Honestly, I love bats, so I was concerned

There are so many stupid, insulting climb names out there, it’s going to take a long, long time to rename them all, but it’s happening online. They were never funny or clever, and frankly, fuck your historical significance. Next time, think twice about naming a route you moron collective.

The Grinch wasn’t evil, he just hated people. That’s fair.