
I started hate-reading this and then really got into it, lol. Entertaining read.

The photo of him on your front page truly disgusted me. What an ugly, rotting man 

The heat must be on. I bet Dershowitz fears accountability for his actions now that Maxwell has been convicted.

It’s so simultaneously sappy, condescending, and low key emotionally violent that it’s like Vin Diesel is competing to be America’s worst mother-in-law.

They should just take their shirts off and make out for a while.  I’d pay to see that.

I still don’t get people who view Clancy as some kind of genius. I liked his earlier books because they were something that wasn’t common (military techno thriller and a shared universe) but it’s hardly brilliant character work when the main character is basically a Mary Clancy.

I do just kind of love that everything about the production of this franchise for teenage boys has the exact same vibes of an argument between teenage boys.

I’m enjoying slug week far more than I should. Watched Don’t Look Up. Hilarious and demoralizing. Catching up on the new Dexter and Yellowjackets and starting 2nd season of The Witcher. Also making some red pepper, carrot and sweet potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. And washing all the sheets for the

Thank you. Slapping socially conscious words on something doesn’t change the fact that it’s a contest to pick a pretty girl so she can be a pretty prop in photos promoting brands and the odd charitable crap so they can pretend it’s not just about looks and money.

And this is Like Republican women who find themselves being disrespected, well, sometimes the Face-Eating Leopard WILL eat your face!

Beauty pageants are leftovers from when women were viewed as chattel (something the GQP wants to get back to). I’d be fine if they disappeared from the planet.

Because society got a good deal out of women being cattle for a long time. Until women broadly went to work, each husband got free housekeeping, free childcare, and free everything-he-needed-that-didn’t-deal-with-work. It was good for husband and good for the economy...good, in fact, for everyone except the woman (and

As a male who: works full-time, cooks just about each night, cleans the house, will help with laundry (though I really dislike folding), and takes out the trash/recycling, etc., etc.. (we do not have kids) I have to say that I find this comment section hilarious.

He will most likely go to a conservative male counselor that won’t differ too much in his opinions. He’ll be told to just keep it to himself.

It’s always the potato-faced motherfuckers.

Or change the skeletal differences.

Nope. Jezebel keeps barking up this tree with the wrong take. Two credos to live by:

If the lady who returned the dogs got $500K, what is the dog walker who got shot walking the dogs getting, besides his hospital bills paid? 

It’s easy to spot a pedigree dog, and they sell for thousands. Professional dog walking services make this even easier, since the thieves can target a collection of rich people’s dogs in one hit and take the most valuable ones. In some cases, they steal the van with the dogs in the back and get a vehicle too.

I’m so glad to hear that Ryan Fischer is doing ok! He has a long road ahead of him (how could he not develop PTSD from this?) but it sounds like he is receiving lots of love & support. Gun violence is so horrific and gunshot victims and their families have to live with the consequences of it for the rest of their