
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along, even if your white-ass can't keep the beat! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along, if you wouldn't last ten minutes on the street! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along if you know that your coach dances like a creep! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along if you know his PR guy just hit delete! ♫


Yes Sarah, this is EXACTLY what I meant.


Deep thoughts.

These Cardinal's fans are doing things the white way.

The horse was specially assigned to Gordon, because of it's innate ability to put Browns on the field.

(Dismiss this. To my shame, I am ruining your joke.)

The officer knew Phelps was under the influence when, in the middle of reciting the alphabet, he began to freestyle.


NFL RUMOR ALERT: Rex Ryan pushing extremely hard to land Ryan Tannehill.

Man, and I heard they bidet lot for that design, too.

At one point, near the Thompson Lane overpass, "he tried to sideswipe the vehicle and missed us by a foot."

I know it was a joke, i had just left out the dumbest part, so I decided to add it in after you gave me the opportunity.

About how they are both great closers...

Chris Collinsworth compared Lagarette Blount to Mariano Rivera during last night's broadcast...

This conversation has AIDs.

Well, he did say he was going back to Cleveland to return to his roots.

That police guy was right, he did seem like a psychopath.