I heard on Tuesdays before 3 PM, you get a free "hot lunch" with a private dance.
I heard on Tuesdays before 3 PM, you get a free "hot lunch" with a private dance.
Maybe they were worried his locker full of supplements was an UNfair Cache.
I would put good money that people who vote "NO" on the buttfumble also have actual Baseball HOF votes.
Even though it really doesn't look like it, the deal was apparently consensual.
Holy shit. How hard to you have to wave a white flag at someone to crack their skull like that?
Derrick Rose, but Just for a Couple Weeks
1. "...what she's having."
They tell me I'm too soft to understand
They say I'll never be Hakeem
My career will pass me by, if every time I'm hacked I cry
They're just all so mean...
So wake me up when I'm retired
When my contract has expired
In two weeks I'll go down with an injured back
And my season will be lost.
+1 I just laughed at this three different times
Pretty sure he's talking about being on the Knicks and he just misspelled "garbage."
"We waited outside the class Jameis was supposed to go to for 36 hours, but he never went in, or out."
Kaz Matsui
Sure he's starting to look pretty guilty, but if you squint real hard, he still looks innocent.
If you're ever in a pinch, the new recipe Burger King french fries have the right outer consistency to hollow out and make into an edible one-hitter.
My guess is that the show starts off being hilarious, thrilling and just awesome to watch, and then like halfway through the third season, Daryl gets laryngitis and the rest of the pretty shitty supporting cast has to carry the show to sweeps, where it does just OK, and then the next season they bring in Taye Diggs…
"Why is he backing up?"