
In a related story, Jason Kidd is getting a year's supply of free Grey Goose.

Brian Scalabrine sighting!!!

And "David" Ortiz is really more of an Ovoid.

I guess if you're eating this much pie, ever having even tasted Hair Pie is probably out of the conversation.

Above the Trim

That must've been the uniform Danny Green was wearing in the last two games of last year's finals, because I don't remember even seeing him there.

Where's LeBronathan?

Let's just hope we never see a picture of this guy if he decides to take his talents South.

100% of HBO Real Sports/Marist poll on public opinion of youth Football surveys taken by fans attending 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers.

I'd been thinking of it as more of an Orwellian World Series.

Vegas is saying the over/under on FG's* for the winning cat is set at 1. I'm taking the under.

"I don't remember who made that joke first!"

The woman told police that Cheeks blocked her from leaving, pulling her hair and putting his fist "against the side of her face, you know, right here - this part of my face...gosh I can't remember what the technical name for it is...right here, like, between my ear and my nose...whatever, you know what I'm talking

It's pretty rare to see a "locker room cancer" that's actually the locker room, and that actually gives the players cancer.

I'm not sure why all my teammates loved him so much. I never really cared for him.


This is what the one-percent are doing with 95 percent of the wealth in the nation.

3YPR + YAC/2 - Rec(TOT4+3RPG) = You did not get the joke.

This post should really be on Regressing.