
Durrr dumb commenter

How much do you want to bet that his right hand is twisting the photographer's balls in a vicegrip?

To be fair, until 1914, the team was known locally as the Chicago Night Terrors.

This is discussed in another thread on here too. NCAA/Highschool sliding rules state that barrel rolls, pop-up slides, slides that occur over the base and out of reach of the bag are interference. Runner is out, and with less than two outs, batter is out too. If this was used in the MLB, this wouldn't be a problem.

Sliding rules aren't complicated. They have them in highschool and the NCAA. No barrel rolls, no pop-up slides, no making contact 3-feet outside of the baseline, and slides must take place INTO the bag, not over it.

But that's my point. It only protects them if they are determined to turn the double play. If they caught a ball and then jumped out of the way, or over the player, it would have the same result for safety's sake. The only exception is that they wouldn't be freeing themselves up to complete the turn.

It doesn't even make sense. It's like saying that if you step out of bounds half a yard shy of the first down in football, because a LB is bearing down on you and you didn't want to get hurt, you should just get credit for it because NEIGHBORHOOD.

To me, the "neighborhood" play has always been total bullshit, because the only purpose it serves is to give the defensive player an unfair advantage to turn a double play. didn't get the joke?

And what could possibly happen to them between the rookie symposium and their retirement from the league that could cause them to forget something so important????

@BrianMcCannHub Are you serious?1!?! Have you learned nothing about the danger that flamboyance presents to the great game of baseball!?!1!?1!


Not sure why players say they've never heard this before. The NFL tells them all of this information during the rookie symposium.

Retired Farmers of America Lobbyists Shown to Have Humongous Grain Deficits

Oh my bad. I thought it wouldn't make any sense to try and catch a ball with a flat shield. But then again, I'm not a Cardinals' fan, so I don't know much about baseball.

48 seconds?

Hey Oakland fans, elect Dr. Death!

If they all were granted a munity, why wouldn't they walk out?

Great article. Literally the first opinion I've read that deserved any credence.