
Ghost Dud

Casper the Pitcher Friendly Ghost

Report: Lamar Odom is Not Missing Family

Actually, the Marlins have closed off every section in the ballpark except the one directly behind home plate.

I also heard that in the Bucks program, he's listed as "Garry Shandling".

ESPN Security Chief Nordberg enlisted to get to the bottom of th...(falls down flight of stairs)

It probably won't rise nearly as high up on the charts as the Ray Lewis inspired Fugees/Martha and the Vandellas collaboration: Killing Them in the Street

Rowdy Roddy Pipe-hitter

It's ok. It worked out because I had a couple of minutes to make that reply after I put dinner in the oven.

Sorry writer, but I think you way, way missed the boat on this. Yes, it was a joke, but I said the "Sexbag" column. I was making fun of the guy for being terrible at sex, certainly not his poor wife who has to suffer his "superior palate".

Meanwhile, over at Jezebel, Brad's wife asks a strikingly similar question to the editor of the weekly Sexbag column...

Glad they decided to GoPro.

They must be calculating their number of employees by total weight. Just another reason Whitlock was such a shrewd hire.

President Sum Bla Kai

Race Off

Probably why he's so sad. There's nothing left to buy.

I would point out that there is a black guy at 1:15 in the video, but I think the adult white guy standing next to him in the purple Mickey Mouse shirt voids his existence in this video.

"See! This is why I don't take cabs!"

So combined, the two most notable drug kingpins on TV outdrew football on Sunday night.