
"As a former member of the ManSlut Hall of Fame, I can tell you that Annette can certainly slow you down."

In 1908 the Cubbies were great.

+1 Well done.

Nice +1

The look on RG3's face can only mean one thing:

That included Patrick Pizzoferrato, who isn't facing charges, yet acknowledged on the stand Wednesday that he pulled $3 from his pocket and offered it to anyone who would urinate on the girl.

Oh, pssht. When I first read the headline, I thought it was going to be a live look in on Ray Lewis giving his first interviews for ESPN.

Gruesome Box Score Category:

If Cribbs doesn't get that contract from Arizona, he'll be getting robbed.

Are we sure they are not just adding obstacles to the floor at women's basketball games to make them more watchable?

"Your shots need to be like your shirt/glasses combos! Waaaay out there!!!!! TEEHEE!!!"

In defense of Matt McDonough, my annotation note makes this look like he finished in 22nd place. Which according to the logic of a t-shirt I once read, is the 21st loser.

"They had really high hopes, and now they've been dashed. Seeing things like this...The Miami Marlins' fanbase is like The Crying Game."

There's a simple solution to the dark under-belly at the Miss USA Pageant.

Good thing they take a Dinersclub card. If you answer just right, you might find yourself eating out pretty often.

Later, when Glanville went down to interview backup catcher Matt Treanor, he liked watching Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh's recent volleyball championship victory to watching Two Girls, One Cup.

Haha. +1

If you're going to screw around with a Nielsen Box, make sure you're wearing one of these...

"This guy had it easy. He might have been working in Cincinnati, but he was doing it under a dome."

Actually, my box just shows a little part, like you are saying, but when I published it, it was a lot bigger. GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!!!!