
Are The Golf Boys just members from "Plain White Tees" and "S Club 7" performing together? That would explain A LOT.

This all started when someone on asked what he preferred if he could only have one: his wife, a college student, or his mobile home.

Not only is he crushing America's prospects for prosperity, but he's killing prospects from other countries too!

This is what happens when you let Washington dictate your health care.

Finally, Joe Flacco got a record deal!

"Holy Shit! A talking newspaper!" soccer ball says.

Everyone relax, it's permanent marker.

Report From The Future: Colby Rasmus Cuts Hair for Locks For Love on TV Special to Improve Reputation, Instead Ruins Reputation with Coveted 'People Who Were Trying to Watch Bowling on ESPN4' Demographic.

"I read that!" the guy who still reads the newspaper says.

Hey Trout, just like someone said, my sister in law's cousin's roommate from Radiology school makes $8,500,000 an hour selling old shoes online or whatever the hell these things always say.

I guess Barkley was right when he called him "Andre Iguodulla".

The coupon might not expire, but that doesn't mean the meat hasn't!

Why, thank you sir.

"Someone's got to say it. Andrew, maybe it's time to get a second opinion."

This really made me laugh. +1

Flacco not skinny, says Flacco.

"It's all fun and games 'til someone loses an i."

"While the 208,000 'Harlem Shake' videos on YouTube is more than the 162,000 'Call Me Maybe' videos, it's still less than the 435,000 'Gangnam Style' videos."

So you DO read the articles? I guess that means you realized you were completely wrong about the other one you now aren't talking about anymore.

Not to mention, they are writing about an article in which someone sent someone else a letter in which THE LETTER'S AUTHOR had referred to it as a "Seize" and Desist letter. The article they link it to specifically makes fun of the person for using that term.