Nikki G

I feel absolutely no pity for “Justin” - he’s awful and got what he deserved. Read the (terrible) buzzfeed article if you don’t hate yourself for clicking on it. Justin made up a grand story about having met Leah at a bar, having hung out with her loads of times. He made up a wild fish story to dump Sonja.

I guess the part of this story that freaks me out the most is the fact that Ruth Palmer refuses to think about the fact that it. is. one. of. her. friends. “Oh, they would never do that”.... um, they did. SMALL POOL OF SUSPECTS. LET THE GAME OF CLUE BEGIN.

I love this idea the government is intentionally conspiring to kill all the honeybees, making a special project of it.

Well so, the part about doctors not testing is absolutely true. My sister got Lyme at the age of 8, and shit got incredibly bad. The doctors were like ~ it’s a virus~ but no specific virus? My mom was like these kids hang out in the woods for like 6 hours a day, could it be Lyme? They were like lol u silly woman, you

Hope I’m not taking this too seriously, but...You know Lyme disease is real, right?

The first person I heard talking about chemtrails was my sister in law, and that was ten years ago. She said that the chemtrails had a substance in them that made people complacent. Also Obama is a muslim terrorist, and she has no sympathy for people who get AIDS, because butt stuff is disgusting, etc.

“Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff in the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?”


I bet chemtrails are causing this epidemic of gluten intolerance.

Looks like all that time she spends “doing school” every weekday has been really effective.

Get black out drunk on the weekends? Hey, whatever. But use weed to help your debilitating disease and get fired because fuck you, that why. Absolute bullshit.

You do you, nice puppy play people of Staten Island (NP3SI). Please get your puppy some knee pads though; I worry for her skin on that pavement.

Something similar happened to me on The Rabbit at Kennywood but that just cemented my love of roller coasters.

Aww bless this clinic for taking such good care of Russell. My dad was a burn patient, after being trapped in a car fire and it is a long, painful and expensive road back for all concerned. I’m glad to see the kitty doing so well and the little fawn too.

Racism: Because listening to a black lady sing about surfboards <<<<<<<<<<<< having a religious white man touch your genitals spirit in the name of Jesus

I’m guessing some of her lyrics involve telling girls that being molested by a family member is a bad thing. Huckabee can’t have any of that nonsense going around.

Phuckabee’s own supporters have been shredding and abandoning him on his Facebook page.

Isn’t it amazing how Mike Phuckabee thinks that letting young girls listen to Beyonce is bad parenting?