Nikki G

I thought Florence’s tweet was regarding this:

Dude, women have been fired over having revenge porn of them posted to the internet. Women have faced harassment and humilation for it, too.
In a perfect would your response would be everyone’s reaction (god, what a scumbag instead of god, she’s such a fucking slut), but that is definitely not the world we live in and

It’s not about making the woman look bad, it’s about violating her privacy in the pursuit of vengeance. You’re spot on about the scumbag part tho.

When a man posts revenge porn, does he really think he’s making the woman look bad? Nothing advertises “I’M A FUCKING SCUMBAG DON’T TRUST ME” more than revenge porn.

Absolutely. I’m just reacting to the quote from the police lieutenant, who we can reasonably assume has some responsibility for the fact that this guy was free, saying that, oh, too bad the victim didn’t fill out a piece of paperwork like we told her to because *that* somehow would have acted like a magic shield.

An order of protection wouldn’t have prevented him from murdering her.

WTF. This is the saddest thing I’ve heard in a really long time.

“Does someone have to die before law enforcement does their job?”

Ohhhhhhh, complicated. Code word for “Still looking.”

I can think of about 7.5 million reasons......

Unless it’s written in their Ryan & Kelly personas, I really couldn’t give a moist fart about their complex relationship.

They both just seem so insufferable, this book is gonna be the equivalent of a $500 t-shirt.

No thank you please.

More power to them, and for those of you who enjoy reading these types of things, knock yourself out, but this sounds like a terrible, terrible book.

I need to figure out how to run up millions in debt like this. Collectors make such a big deal when I get a little behind on a couple hundred in hospital bills, but apparently if you owe a few millions, you can just spend all your time partying.

Women, if you’re not in pain, you’re not fancy enough.

I just miss crazy shit like this

It just seems WAY fishy to be claiming abuse in order to make babies with the person who abused you. It would be like a woman saying “He abused me, so I have to have his sperm!” He’s not trying to get her legally punished for abuse; he’s trying to make her make babies.

I have so much fondness for the character too. And hope he can come out of it well.

I hope Nicholas gets the help he needs. I do wonder if seeing his co-stars become successful after Buffy led to his hitting the drink and pills hard. I thought he would do ok, he always came off as very charismatic and i figured that would serve him well. Now i wonder how much of that was Whedon’s writing.