
Leave Sly and the family alone.

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.

If you dig back further, you’ll find Schlereth tell Thenextking83, “There’s a reason God didn’t call it the Bering Homosexual.”

If only someone had told them they can’t have it all!


You know that metaphor about people sweeping really shitty things under a rug? This is sort of like that.

Greatest turf on show.

I hope all these people can learn the following lesson from this: sports franchise owners are not your friends. They are a bunch of fucking snakes who don’t give a shit about you and will fuck you over in a heartbeat if it makes them an extra dollar. They don’t care about your kids or your emotions or your investment

The flannel is in the closet.

I don’t normally grammar nitpick, but this is anti-intellectualism in beer form. I don’t like IPAs either, so I drink lagers and double blacks and saisons from craft brewers. I also drink Bud Lights occasionally, and even still get fucked up bro every once in a while.

The point is Inbev is

If you were to make one of those composite images of every old, white, entitled, male, American econo-parasite, it would come out looking something like this.


When asked why he still continues to dine at the Tadich Grill after these revelations, Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder replied, “My polling shows that African Americans regard being treated as ‘separate but equal’ as a source of pride.”


JJ Watt is the Marine Todd of football

The dreaded birthday dinner. I’m done with showing up at a fancy-ish place during their busiest shift of the week and waiting for a table for 12 (Or is it 14? Did Beth say she was coming or not? And I’m not sure when Brendan’s flight gets in, I think his phone is off???) only to get split into two tables for 5 and 7


Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

It’s good to see so many of those in attendance smash-faced, out of respect for all the women Floyd kicked the shit out of.

Here’s the breakdown : Hijab bad when forced upon women. Hijab = expression of faith/culture when worn by choice.

Thin Mints are gross.