
I say that if pursuing this calling helps her feel better, then we leave her be. She’s not likely to convince anyone of anything, nor harm anyone else.

Yep. Unfortunately sex slavery and rape have been around a lot longer than photography, videos and the internet.

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

Careful friend, you’ll cut yourself on that edgy cynicism.

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

I’m with the author - I would have wanted to tell the guy he’d been seen, watch him deny it, then say okay, prove it’s not true, drink it all yourself right now. And yes I realize that’s not the right way to handle it, it’s just what I would have WANTED to do.

Nah. Definitely because abortion providers are purposely seeking to eradicate black people.

Maybe that’s because black women find themselves disproportionately in a scenario that warrants abortion as an option. You know, like low-income, lack of education, etc...

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”

as for how many of those people make a shitton of money courtesy of those very same bullshit rules, precisely because they back kids like this into a corner, well, we’ll just sweep that under the table, shall we?

Scouting report: great leverage, huge hands, needs to be more comfortable in his backpedal

Now I may be a simple country chicken, and you may not appreciate this out there in the big city, ensconced in your concrete temples of earthly pleasures and profit, but here in America’s Heart Land, we know how to do things The Right Way. All Things. We know what privacy really means, just as well as we know how best

There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.

The answer to your questions are:

...good for blowing your load AND loading your blow.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Crying and clapping!

Yeah Drew! Cloud swords some gestations!

It would be a tapestry of umbilical contortions to lose Emmitt.

“I’m most afraid of the same as the last four years. Nothing in life is free, and that’s what really needs to be fixed here and in the whole country. The people are living off the system. The people that are coming in and we’re helping out more than we’re helping out our own. And school has to be fixed, we’re paying