
Man, this guy sure could use a Union right about now.

Dear Electron,

I don't even want to talk to the eighteen year olds on campus, let alone fuck them. Unless fucking them would get them to shut up for a minute. That's the only situation in which I could be tempted.

"Well, my gameplan collapsed. Internally, though. There were no outside factors."

Turning down guys who can't take no for an answer on online dating is seriously the hardest thing (and usually ends with them getting reported and blocked). You don't even have to be subtle—- you can say, "Sorry, I'm just not interested in you" or "NO" and still get bombarded with messages for months and months. Then

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.

great question and great asterisks, sir!

While Boehm's words are ill-considered, they are obviously born of the frustration of having Manbook overwhelmed by women mistakenly attempting to procure the services of male escorts.

My experience with MRA types is that they generally tend to be very rejected by other men. Terrified of the sensible men who rightly scorn them, MRAs turn their attention to hating women to make themselves feel better.

Well, here's a lesson for all you kids out there. If you're a Hall of Fame level goalie nearing the end of your career, don't start fucking your wife's sister-in-law because if she catches you then she'll divorce you and take you to the cleaners which will probably mean you'll have to keep playing as long as possible

Or maybe she wanted to show her asshole friend just how wrong she was. The friend was saying that two teenagers must be up to no good because they were hanging out in Tuhoy's store, Tuhoy not only proved the friend wrong, but also showed her that her shitty behavior wasn't accepted in her store, (and even more

I am sick of people saying "the wrong side of thirty." There is nothing wrong ...

White boards and wood sticking out of the ground really get in the way of the white hill and wood sticking out of the ground.

She writes beautifully. This is the entry that got me full on sobbing:

I work in the Minneapolis ad community* and this story has ripped through us like a tornado these past months. If you haven't already, I highly suggest you check out Nora's blog. It will make you cry but it will also make you laugh more than you could ever think. And sometimes that's just what you need. Real talk and

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

Good for them. Not everybody will agree, obviously, but you have the platform so go ahead and use it.

I hope after this clip is widely disseminated, I see no more comments wondering "How did he get away with it?" or "Well why didn't the women just go to the police if they were really raped?"