
"But it went way too far, and it wasn't very clear that it was a joke, that it was fabricated. If you read it, you might think that it was actually Tiger talking. The whole thing is completely ridiculous."

No snark, I'm actually kind of impressed.

Probably so. My wife is in an MFA program herself, and she gets whiny dudes like this all the time. It's kind of funny to watch as an outsider because these guys JUST DON'T GET IT. I really think it's a complete and total lack of empathy for half of the world's population.

Stages of Marshawn Lynch

Does it make me a bad person if I chuckle quietly to myself whenever the Cardinals conjure yet another impossible postseason win 'cause I know it'll make Deadspin staff die a little bit on the inside? And maybe chuckle some more knowing I'm not the only one who does?

Not much man what's raw with you

In addition to his homer, Hosmer hit a dousble and a trisple.

Objectively speaking, the Royals are still in the playoffs. The empirical evidence is irrefutable.

"Okay, we've got Jim from Security in the aisle. Go ahead Jim." - Larry King

Be careful. This burn could melt the ice that Ovechkin won't be backchecking on.

Ragging on the Pittsburgh Pirates celebrating a playoff berth is like ragging on a paraplegic war veteran for celebrating taking his first steps with his new prosthesis. "Chill, dude—it's not like you're RUNNING."

The condescension thrown toward women in pornography never ceases to amaze me. Don't fall off your high horse, it'll probably hurt when you hit the ground.

I think it's pretty brave / awesome of her to post these updates, especially with photos. Ray Rice videos aside, domestic assault is usually something that is hidden behind closed doors. And it extends way beyond just the initial act; recoveries can take months and people are usually left with permanent injuries. It's

I've noticed the opposite, they're usually the same. Perhaps you're thinking of Nice Guy™ versus an actually nice man.

Sculptor: [Sets out to build Mount Rusmore of Specious Analogy]

Morgan Cox: Hi. I'm Morgan Cox, long-snapper for the Baltimore Ravens. This is my wife Lauren, placeholder for the Westboro Baptist Church.

"Hey Girl. I was just thinking about you dying in a horrible accident."


I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.