I’m only 30 and we were gathered together as children to get the chicken pox all at once... fortunately they did not make us share a lollipop, gross.
I’m only 30 and we were gathered together as children to get the chicken pox all at once... fortunately they did not make us share a lollipop, gross.
Where granola hippies and chem-trail conspiracy theorists unite.
They say prostitution is the oldest profession, but I think it might actually be snake-oil salesman.
I don’t think NY allows non religious exemption for public schools... So people can hate vaccines all they want, but if they want their kid to get a decent education....
Even if that were the case, they should have thought of that before they decided they couldn’t afford birth control, condoms, or an abortion.
The sad part is really the fact that so many people refuse to understand. Ignorant on a subject? That’s totally fine. Having many loud and varied opinions on subjects you’re ignorant of? Ass-holery. Completely incapable or refusing to understand it once the information is presented in a reasonable manner? Idiocy.
Some people can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons. It would be pretty damn shitty for them to get infected because some uneducated POS got conned into thinking vaccines cause autism.
Just send all the unvaccinated kids to the same school, don’t allow them in children’s places (ie theme parks, chuck-e-cheese, etc) and let the problem solve itself.
I shouldn’t have laughed.
It’s the perfect storm where the chem trail enthusiasts and the granola hipsters meet.
Herd immunity doesn’t work when a bunch of fools are being conned into leaving their kids at risk for polio.
I didn’t realize they started vaccinating within hours of birth... I figured that was like... maybe before you leave the hospital or at the first follow up visit.
Why do only women need quieter chip bags? Because men don’t really give a sh*t about things, or because it’s unladylike to have anyone within 10 feet of you notice you’re eating?
“Tip 20%. $1 per drink at the bar is an outdated standard given current alcohol pricing.”
I wonder how much money the state loses by trying to be greedy.
Any place that serves me food that isn’t edible without a bunch of salt is a place I am not revisiting. (eggs/potatoes in diners excluded as they specifically under salt/pepper with the intent that people do it to taste at the table).
“Just add salt” is a pretty bland way to make food have more flavor. Salt is such a lazy flavor boost.
Too much salt makes you lose the ability to properly taste things. Some things taste great salty, but not everything needs to taste like a salt lick.
I use almost no salt when cooking. You need a bit of it to sweat onions/garlic, but if you use other seasonings salt isn’t all that important to a dish. I use chili powder and cayenne pepper a hell of a lot more than I use salt.
I’ve never seen salt/pepper out in a sushi joint....