
Dear not hungry,

How did you let your country become fully 50% evil idiots?”

And that’s when I realized, it wasn’t no president. It was the god damned loch ness monster.

Once again, morons ruin it for everybody. I know how stupid people are so I try to be understanding when I get asked dumb or repeat questions, but it’s still annoying.

Next time on, The Salty Waitress:

Pssshhh, Bosch. Dewalt for life!

Pssshhh, Bosch. Dewalt for life!

Agreed. Sitting around with your feet in stirrups, hooch out is uncomfortable enough without the idea of having some dude staring up there.

Well that’s redundant ;)

This just in: Men Don’t Take Women Seriously.

And if it is fake, he’s teaching his kids that type of thing is funny, and to lie for money.

It depends. Due to a lot of different medications over the past year, I’m starting to become a connoisseur of shit that helps you shit. Stool softeners are pretty gentle, laxatives cause a lot of cramping, Metamucil like stuff doesn’t cause cramping but can cause diarrhea-like poo if you take more than you need. Any

I just want a lager... seems like every place has 80 million IPAs and maybe one lager (and unfortunately, that one lager is often Stella, which is also carbonated garbage water).

It’s always surprising how fast someone can go from perfectly normal to creepy and possibly alarming when they decide you’re “like them” because of something as innocuous as both liking Scifi or comics. Unfortunately, I’ve found that when someone like that decides they don’t need a filter around you, they’ll get worse

Why is IPA suddenly so popular? It tastes like it sat in the sun for a decade before being chilled and served.

You’d think they could let her know what’s ok or not through tone and body language... though some people are immune to social cues.

Things have to be pretty bad for me to say something... though, I can’t say I have much experience with bad servers, it’s not like you interact with them much. Either they’re normal (take your order, bring your food), or occasionally they’re particularly good.

Yea... I consider a 20% tip to basically be a “wages are shitty” tax, but what idiot tips over that for particularly bad service?

As someone who has menial interactions with lots of the same people day in and day out, sometimes it’s super convenient to have a running joke as a go to for certain passer byes (you can only do the “hello, how are you. Boy is it sunny. Such rain we’re having.” bs so many times a day). Though, if the other person

In the immortal words of RudeNegro