
How about The Shawshank Redemption?

How many times did Jesse cry or whine?

Wow, different tastes man. I was gonna come here to say I think the EVE designs are among the coolest. Cheers!

It's because before video games, moving pictures were the new kids on the block. Music and classical art and books have been around for ever. It's an event to see a new medium born and then find it's way into society. I see nothing wrong drawing comparisons to the last medium to do this.

Wait, what? She lived in your game? In my playthrough (I found her in my 6th hour or so and on a different part of the map) she died while I was driving her to the hospital, from her wounds at the crash. It was scripted and there was accompanying dialogue to go with it.

I beat myself to music, but I'm not sure that's what you meant.

I had to do a double take here, I don't expect to see such references here on Kotaku often.

Atharaha, I think you're misunderstanding Marshmallowmancer. He/she isn't saying we should REPLACE fun with engaging, but they should compliment each other. Fun is in fact, in my mind at least, ONE form of engagement. Other forms of engagement include the thoughtfulness that Marshmallow references. A game that is

I can agree with this. After giving DA2 a second chance, it was fairly enjoyable. If they had called it a spinoff instead of a straight-sequel, it might have been better received.

Can we stop the mac hate and instead talk about how BioShock Infinite is a mediocre game?

Gotta say, if they released these officially, I would definitely buy some.

You're mostly right, but it's not always true. Fit doesn't mean muscle. Boxers are skinny. Are you saying their abs don't count?

Unnecssarily vague is what Project Titan does best. This is the most information I think I've ever heard of it.

As a Wisconsin Badger, I have to. Game looks fun.

You misread, it's I Ran-y. Not Irony. Get it, I Ran is the name of the song? ...I'll just let myself out.

I haven't actually bought anything for myself yet this sale. Do I have a gamer sickness?

The music is fantastic.

Except it's not really content. This article makes it sound like a lot of those ideas never got passed the written stage.

Characters sucked? If you played through the whole thing you would realize it has one of the best female characters to appear in a video game. Surprisingly good. I think you should give the game a second chance.

Anyone else here NOT crazy about Dishonored? I played through it 1 1/2 times and it was remarkably average.