
In other words we're all bronies deep down and I didn't mean to offend you with my humor. Sorry fellow Kotakuan...Kotakian? Kotaku citizen?

It's just a joke mate. What makes the lame party funny is that everybody has them, it's relatable, and yes, even fun sometimes. I would laugh equally as much at a bunch of bros at a lame NFL party, or a bunch of nerds at a lame D&D party, because we've all been there and it's about having a sense of humor about

Nobody is making fun of them for being Bronies. We're making fun of them because their parties suck.

"I'll even do it pro boner"

Is it heavy?

What Veras said, but you'll be pleased to know they're doing one last farewell episode soon for some closure. Can't wait!

The thing is the show isn't really about the tech humor. It's not aimed at people with "average tech experience" because that's not what the show is really about. It's more character driven and situational comedy whose characters happen to work in the IT department and are in-general misfits and losers. If you're

Am I doing it right?

Naval battles as levels?

Newspapers in general will be forgotten in 2014.

But still, where did the lighter fluid come from?

This is my ball, and only my ball.

The first place it dropped me is a small city in a different country...where my ex-girlfriend lives. I'm kind of scared.

Pretty good drawing. The colors aren't that great though, would have liked to seen it either just black and white or colored in completely.

These are pretty wicked. I'm wondering what any modern day equivalents are. Anyone got ideas?

I'm confused. Is this a World of Warcraft movie, or a Warcraft movie? I'm referring to World of Warcraft here as a specific time frame in the Warcraft universe. Because if it's the latter it might have potential.

You're not the only one. Here we spell it skeptical, but doing a quick search to make sure I wasn't crazy, I see it's spelled differently in American english and British english. The more you know.

I don't know about the other states, but where I'm at I'm fairly certain if someone spotted a spider that size they would have a heart attack. Nothing even close to that size here.

Dishonored had a writer?