
Um. No?

Why does new tech always have to be weaponized so quickly? Why can't we just make sweet-ass hot dog carts first?

there's a power couple

But can I use it to buy 100 cups of coffee?

$4k is not all that much for 2 tracks featuring in a game that has made millions already. He didn't get paid, they used the tracks...they owe him.

Fuck that, I loved the hell out of Peggle.


How about The Shawshank Redemption?

Extrapolating from anecdotal evidence we can therefore deduce that all young philippino women are into RPGs. It's pure science!

The movie is going to consist of kids from this world getting sucked into the video game, where they all learn a lesson about how the outsider nerd is the one best suited for this new world before coming together as friends.

A bit off topic, but Attack the Block is an awesome movie.

Now playing

The above is completely false. I advise you all to follow this instructional video when needed:

My speculation is that it will be revealed that Walt Jr. is the brains behind everything the whole time. He was Gus' boss and now he plays his dad like a marionette. After Walt confesses his ways to his son Walt Jr. will just laugh and say "No shit dad, who do you think bought all of the Captain Crunch?"

Can any sort of representation of a non-existent item really be said to look like the real thing? That's sort of a Magritte "Treachery of Images" kind of statement.

This isn't anime
Avatar =/= Anime and will never be anime. It is a cartoon.

Point and click adventure games are all they make... If you don't consider them games, then you won't like this one either.

I was disappointed with Dishonored. I was hoping stealth wouldn't be as necessary as it was. I also didn't like being punished for killing people, seeing as a town full of rats made it almost impossible to play.

Heck, even thatcould've been worse...

So maybe, as smart game critics and pundits have been arguing for years now, "is this fun?" isn't even the right question. Maybe that doesn't even matter.