
By the logic in the article, it’s also the worst Canadian gull-winged car.

AirVenture is an amazing event. I’ve flown in twice over the years, and believe me, you’ve never experienced traffic until the tower tells you “Brown and white Cessna, you are number 27 to land, follow the Piper in front of you, close it up and land short”

Not only was the article tongue-in-cheek, but this is one of the worst defenses of capitalism I’ve ever seen.

Man, I loved Death Proof. I don’t understand what you didn’t like about that movie. Is it the height of cinema? No. It wasn’t meant to be. It’s partially meant to be an homage to Vanishing Point, the original Gone in 60 Seconds, slasher flicks, etc. Hell, it’s got Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson, Rose McGowan, and

Really? Death Proof is one of my all time favorite movies, especially after the first half hour when the real cast of characters shows up. I agree that the first 20 minutes were (perhaps purposefully?) aggravating to watch but it becomes a completely different movie in the second act. I’d also do unspeakable acts

We could argue all night regarding the merits of this movie, but I’vr only got one thing to say:

Just goes to show you like parents around the world, a Stuntman wants to give his kid a car that is Death Proof.

The only person in that video who I didn’t want to punch in the face was the car’s owner.

Looks like a typo

Now playing

You are thinking too bigly. The space occupied by a single V8 is of a higher concentration than any area with cars wrapped around them. To increase the concentration further, one must go smaller. This is a youtube clip showing what claims to be the world’s smallest running V8.

Why? This is 10,000,000 times better looking than a GT-R.

Ah, there’s your problem, someone set these cars to evil

When a woman writes about cars on the internet, there are plenty of people who respect her words. But there are also