The Bricklin SV-1 is the best Canadian gull-wing door sports car because I’m fairly sure it’s the only Canadian gull-wing sports car.
The Bricklin SV-1 is the best Canadian gull-wing door sports car because I’m fairly sure it’s the only Canadian gull-wing sports car.
Surprised no one else posted the equally cool, also-chopped-up old Buick land barge they (at least as of 2014) used for refueling. My photo is in my archives unfortunately, so I’d have to dig it up. Someone give this post a like and the effort’ll feel justified :P
That car is an all-over-the-place homage: don’t forget it’s got the Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry licence plate, too!
Oh my God, I can’t even describe the WANT I have for this car. I have literally seen the film coming up on 50 times (not bad, considering it’s been out just over 10 years) and my Stuntman Mike cosplay is almost complete. (I’m currently in the process of collecting every academic essay I can find on the film.)
Some of…
Read your comment before watching the video, and thought, “Ah, he must be exaggerating.”
Turns out you weren’t.
To clarify, most of the racers aren’t journos, to my knowledge. I think Nissan fields one or at most two journalist cars and the rest of the field is private teams.
The racer who weaved through the mess there – Brian Makse, who writes for our website, – is a journo technically, yes. He ran the media car a…
So many. Especially as an SOS guy—“Save our Slants!” Most recently this took the form of the near-purchase of a green well-rusted ‘69 Plymouth Satellite slant-six.
Takin’ a 9-horsepower King Midget up to 50 mph was a good time.
Funny, ’cause apparently they’re coming back to Canada. Maybe they like us better than you? ;) We do speak French, after all...
Autofocus covered it in a gallery once.
Hold up, we never said the Duster is coming back soon.
You're thinking of these guys.
Blame Banovsky for forcing me to write this one: every single car named after a cat.
I've a slightly eerie feeling because my brother was riding on that very same Breezy with that very same pilot about a half-hour before the crash. (He was giving tours over the airfield throughout the day.)
Condolences to Jim's family.
I just really hope DeadMau5 considers Marchionne's offer of a new Neon-cat.
This guy makes a pretty compelling case we should bring back Plimuth.
I got about a minute in and had to stop. Anyone make it past that? Please tell me the thing magically Christines itself.
"Jay." Matthew Jay Simpson.
Ah, crap, it's an "L."
hey, man, don't look at me, my name's not ford-acocca
that's an official spy shot i swear