
Good evening.

Just a quick crappy shop.

Shes recovering from surgery, and it wouldnt have stopped her from doing the comic, but as I understand it her friends forced a guest week on her to try and make her get some rest. Considering what shes already kept on drawning through, that wasnt gonna happen by itself :P

The Halo fanbase will probably rip me a new one for saying this, but Halo Reach has by far my favorite single player campaign out of the Halo games.

Why you so racist Zelda?

I wonder what percentage of commenters will even know what a “compaq” is.

Some would say he’s still horrible. I wouldn’t know I don’t watch his vids.

If we could get a proper new Fable, well thats about the only thing that would really drive me to get myself an Xbox. Such classic games. I can even hang with Fable 3.

While I didn’t like playing it, Fable Legends sure did look good.

I can find no evidence of this. Is this a false statement made in a public forum with the specific goal of spreading disinformation?

Nerd Rage got it right. That’s exactly the reason why I hate spring and summer and want this planet to be a cold, desolate wasteland like Hoth.

My mom gave the cat cheese. Now every morning at 4:00, he wakes her up to get cheese. Once raptors or cats get the taste of people food, they always want it.

What are you talking about? It takes place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Dude. You expect a solder trained of on the ground combat to know how to use a fighter or it’s guns.

I hope that Finn, Rey, and Poe just turn out to be friends. Any romance between 2 of 3 (or all 3) would be forced, through the entire movie they felt like friends or “musketeers” (comrades in arms), there really wasn’t any sexual tension between any of them.

Personally my favorite scene is Ren’s reaction to Rey escaping the torture room and the stormtroopers walking by and being all “nope” and just walking back the way they came.

What’s wrong with tentacle monsters?