
Palin. Mark my words. She is a supporter, a crazy person, a former pageant princess and a party darling.

I had the same thought today. With the possible exception of Palin, there is no other woman who would stand by him at this point.

It is very interesting that the Trumps think that the media using exact quotes and/or video of exact words they say is somehow the media being dishonest and biased.

#squadgoals, yo.

Can’t believe I’m actually replying to this in all sincerity. But. I think Gigi is totally legit the real thing. I thought so from the beginning, she just has ‘it’, whether you like her look or not, or think she’s more commercial than ‘high’ fashion (‘high fashion’ always makes me think of Tyra Banks, do people

Well, that’s just the thing: their Q scores are much, much higher than any of those women of the past, bar models who became brands (Cindy, Tyra, Kathy Ireland).

Ugh I can’t edit for some reason, but I would like to replace that pic with this one b/c the first one doesn’t have Naomi and HOW DARE I.

They don’t have an ounce of the fierceness of Naomi.

Now playing

There’s a phenomenal documentary called Catwalk that followed supermodels in the 90s. Basically Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, etc just chilling and jet setting. Highly recommend.

God I love the internet sometimes.

Everyone other than Kris and Yolanda. Because “Moms”. And because...

Have you ever dealt with someone who is in deep addiction? It’s not easy. At all. And rehab is unfortunately very expensive. I can’t imagine that they hadn’t tried to intervene before this.

Dignity is a potato?

If you read the headline and thought “Damn that’s sad. But it could have been a really good episode,” you’re welcome to join me on the bus to Hell. I’m bringing snacks.

I feel even worse for Chyna after hearing they were trying to get her help and other wrestlers wanted to help her. Drug addiction is rough.


I don’t put much bearing into rumors, but this season has been telling given it did pretty much all it could to keep them apart for sake of the story. I’ll keep up hope that there being friction between the two as being rumor, but it’s difficult to keep up that belief. Especially now.

I loves Lanie, too!!! I was hoping that she and Javi would end up together.

Now, I love Nathan Fillion... but Castle is nothing without Beckett. Nothing. I loves Lanie too, and I noticed that she had been getting less and less screen time over the last couple of seasons.

If they aren’t bringing Stana Katnic back they should just cancel the show and be done with it. The banter between her and Fillion was the only reason anybody ever watched the show. The brainiacs who run the network and took over the show seemed to have missed that memo.