
This is driving me nuts.
“No one respects women more than he.” Not “him.”
The way the title is worded, no one respects women more than they respect Donald. What you were going for was no one respects women more than Donald respects women.
Handy tip: if the person says “than I do” it’s he, if he says “than me” it’s him.

And then airlines stop letting unaccompanied minors fly instead of worrying about liability. Honestly - lawsuit is not the answer. The only reason you sue the airline is because they have deep pockets.
Making the flight attendant make the call of “forcing guy to move an potentially getting sued” or “wait to see if he

Actually, a lot of them learn early that they can get away with it. Once overheard a kindergarten teacher tell another outraged parent that the 5 year old boy who wouldn’t quit chasing and trying to kiss a girl on the playground “was just being a boy.”
I couldn’t stop the “and when he’s grown up, he’ll be a rapist if

Because kissing a sleeping stranger is okay if she’s not a minor? #rapeculture logic at its finest

Because defense attorneys and MRAs don’t do that every single time?

I’m going to guess that he was significantly creepy enough that he intimidated the flight attendant, too.
Because otherwise she would’ve insisted he move at least the one seat over. (The aisle seat was empty.)
But then, the odds that she was victimized herself in the past are excruciatingly high. Sometimes, that makes

I just snorted my drink on my keyboard. Thanks for that. Worth it though.

We have to put them in order? Because we could just say the more Chrises the merrier, right?

I have little hope that you’ll understand this - but as for why women “sit on things like this for years then come out of the woodwork”? I’d like to offer you some perspective.
I once had to go to a male peer and tell him to please quit walking up behind young women we worked with and giving them unsolicited back rubs

Because you know what smart predators do? They totally fall for stupid mistakes like doing it in front of video cameras. Or witnesses.
Wait - you’re saying a guy who worked as a developer for Tor is not an absolute moron?
You think maybe he might be smart enough not to have the kind of “proof” that is the only kind

Now playing

Count me in the ‘old people on Jez’ group.
Schoolhouse rock and don’t forget “Time for Timer”

It breaks us all one way or the other. At least yours is entertaining!

Why do I hear this in Donald Trump’s voice? Am I the only one? Because: speech patterns.

Really, I hate saying this, but if you’re changing your name? Practice now. Because you’ll go into the driver’s license place to change it, and they’ll hand you that little fake pen and you won’t have a clue how to write your own name.

I tried to explain that to my daughter. She never has taken to it. But all it takes is a few spiral notebooks and a passion to decide whether you make your lower case “E” like “e” or a backward “3" and a teacher who makes that sound exciting.

Those of us who learned on typewriters still call it typing. Keyboarding sounds like something you do when you’re surfing in Florida.
I was not allowed to enroll in shop (I tried and yeah, too many X chromosomes) so I ended up in typing class in high school. Most useful class I had the entire time!
I had to learn to

Who really cares about the snarky parents anyways?
As the mom of a girl who was totally into the “princess thing” - I would’ve loved the hot dog girl. My daughter would’ve loved the hot dog girl.
Of course, I was neither princess nor hot dog. But I’m 100% be you fiercely.

According to her dad’s tweet about it? They didn’t know about Princess Hotdog. She just wanted to be that. Which awesome.

I was wondering this too. But I kind of decided that it was the “Wait! Everyone else is getting camera time for throwing a fit? This is my house. I’m good at throwing fits. Watch me!!”

Actually, I read it as ‘she tried to get help from passing cars when she was running from him’ ergo, before he set her on fire.