
Because apparently, he has no control over the people in his agency. None.

Exactly. These are the same employers who try like hell to get something classified as an ‘internship’ so they can get someone to work for free when there is nothing that furthers their education or experience.

One of the litmus tests has also always been ‘can the employee set his/her own hours?’ and as Wylie so

“Fuck all those little shits who went into the restroom. At that age you very well know what’s right and wrong.”
Actually, no.
The prefrontal cortex is *not* fully developed at this age. Not until the mid 20s in most cases. Sadly, it even matures later for males than females. This is actually *why* adolescent males

The movie “The Road to Wellsville” is not only very enlightening about Kellogg, but also hysterically funny at points.

When someone insists on a call? I just send the follow-up CYA email that says “re: our phone convo — just wanted to confirm that you said X, Y, & Z, and I said A, B, & C and you will be doing that by [insert date]. Thanks!”
Because no, you aren’t getting off that easily.

Why is Angelica supposed to “mom” her 27 year old coworker because he can’t be bothered to do his job?
If he is her peer in another department who needs to be communicating and isn’t? That is his flaw, not her responsibility.

Oh no... Slack has that covered now.

Yeah... If you start out with “man here” and then try to tell me how to communicate? All I’m going to here is blah-blah-blah-patronize-blah.

I just had a bit of a flashback there to an old boss.
After 6 responses like this in a row, I lost my mind and called his cell phone and said “It should be physically impossible for you to type ‘sounds good’ in response to the 3 questions I asked you and the 2 time-sensitive matters I brought up. You either don’t read

This actually *is* why we can’t have nice things.

Kind of... only more like ‘siblinghood’ - because it’s used for either brotherhood or sisterhood but means ‘same generational level.’
Portuguese is such a lovely language and *so* doesn’t translate into English as readily as Spanish or French.
I had friends from Oporto/Porto who lived here in the U.S. for awhile who

Someone really needs to draw this out with those little circle photos and lines swooping all over the place.
Because some of us need the visual aid to understand all of it.

Yeah, I think he might go that far in order to be able to say “See? I am not a racist. My supporters are not racists.” He has done crazier things we all thought he wouldn’t

Well this sucks. Only just now seeing this... but while I adore Nathan Fillion and would watch him reading the phone book? I’m not so sure I will watch season of Castle without Becket.
It’s too sad reading the rumors of the two leads not getting along - especially as they had such chemistry on screen. :(
Pfui. Stupid

“I am hopeful that the media will begin to cover me fairly and be respectful of my family’s privacy” is one of the funniest things I’ve read all week.

Does make you kind of wonder why the opposition *isn’t* focusing on her more. They certainly have on every other potential first mate. If she hates it so much? Maybe she

I was pondering it... what do you bet me he goes for Omarosa Manigault? I mean, she is a staunch supporter, female, and minority. Trump sees her as someone he can dominate.

Yeah... apparently, we’re not supposed to like “new” models of models...
But Gigi has worked hard to get where she is. Yes, she started with a leg up most never get (mom was a model, dad has more money than he knows what to do with) but she isn’t coasting.
She’s a much better print model than catwalk though. Her look

The thing is - he’s an agent, not a psychotherapist. His job is to get her work and keep her in the public eye. She went on Celebrity Rehab once, so it’s reasonable to think she’d consider Intervention as an option.
But he’s got absolutely no power legally to force her into rehab and if he brought it up wrong? She

She lived in Redondo, in a beach front property. That’s not exactly inexpensive even if you’re renting. Money could definitely have been an issue.
But she also lived a very public life. She livestreamed her morning the day before she died and it was her habit to stream regularly. If she had an opportunity to have

There really does need to be an Oscar category for stuntpeople. They are invaluable and not well known by the general public.