
Hexum was on the rise; he was in Travelers and it was renewed and he was shooting that film. Then like an idiot he put a gun with blanks in it to his temple and pulled the trigger. Guess he didn’t realize that there’s a risk from the compression of the powder against the temple (turns thin bone into a projectile.)

Yes, take the shot. But having achieved it? Reset your aim and take another shot at something higher.
I’m reminded of an interview I hear decades ago, about the time FNL took place. Donnie Osmond - before his Broadway career as an adult - was talking about what it felt like to have people tell him at 18 that he was

Buy it misses something too... Troy Aikman? Is Troy Aikman. He didn’t get there by saying “well, aim low, and you can realize your goals.”
While it’s true that not everyone can be ‘the best’ when you go to wider and wider pools of talent? It’s also true that it’s not going to be you if you a) don’t believe you can be

Deslys there is wearing what can only be a “Little Lord Fauntleroy” suit. Given the timing and the popularity of the fashion. There is something so very scandalous about a woman dressed as a young boy and showing that much leg at that point in history.
So much more naughty than most modern stuff because it just wasn’t

Man that took forever. As soon as you have the daughter’s name and the name of the “rare disease” you can find her site on wayback easily enough. But now I can’t get those pictures from the ‘disease and treatment’ section of her defunct circus out of my brain.
That little girl and her siblings are just damn lucky to be

Even searching on GOMI I’m drawing a blank... really impressed with how quiet the interwebs are about who this is and what the blog of this horrible woman was.
Usually I’m better at Googling than this.

There was totally an elephant in there too.

Wait... these friends “in the gay community” - did they accidentally get in by walking into the wrong bar? I mean we’re saying they’re in the community, not gay, right?
English is so tricksy!!

But the “prophet” lady wrote a book all about miracles happening on the US-Mexico border!

Have you perhaps heard the term “apologist” before?

Have you perhaps heard the term “apologist” before?

Have you perhaps heard the term “apologist” before?

Most overt sexism I ever witnessed was my first day on the job in legal for a large telecom. One of the senior counsels was *throwing paperclips at the cleavage of his legal secretary.* When he missed, he’d say “damn... honey, you need to bend over more next time.”
This woman was in her early 40’s. I was too stunned

She’s one of the reasons the “women wearing pants is socially acceptable” thing happened at all.

But why are they all chasing #9 (who was not the guy that got kicked by 3 separate guys.)

Yes. Yes it should.

I actually did throw up on a co-worker's shoes once because she told me that if I "just tried not to think about it" it would go away.
I probably could've turned away. But I didn't. I'm still a little evilly gleeful over it 12 years later.

They didn't? Because I can't figure out what it is supposed to be if it isn't a sandwich.

Exactly what I was trying to fit into words. Those shoes look like she has effectively hobbled the models. The one in the two-piece outfit looked like she was concentrating so hard on not falling off the shoes because she might hurt herself terribly that I wanted to save her.
The shoes made the fashion look like it was

Except they are credible and they aren't looking at them.
See, the part where you talk about "feelings" is completely disingenuous.
If you want to talk about rights? Let's talk about that "right to be secure in your home and person" because your founding fathers totally believed in that.