
So, another example of being American-centric. Got it.

You do realize that the southern United States is not the only example of slavery in the history of the world, right?

Except this isn't what happened at all. She and her husband both admitted to interferring with the cop arresting her son. Her son has had prior arrests and convictions and was caught with at 2am with a knife on him (if you honestly believe this particular case he had a knife planted on him I don't know what to tell

Hahaha that is actually a VERY good point! I'm sure his Real Doll could take all 3 inches of his meaty manhood.

We still speak of the bombings of civilians in total war during WW2 as being criminal in behavior, yet Hamas gets a pass because their weapons are crude?

If Israel weren't good at defending its citizens, I bet the numbers would be different.

The four boys on the beach was a terrible mistake, and believe me, those images haunt me. The IDF admitted to the error, and said they are addressing what went wrong.

Don't hurt em with that logic.

The people in Gaza aren't "imprisoned" because they are ethnically different. There are many Arab-Israeli's who live successfully and happily in Israel, and the West Bank is completely open for people to come and go as they please. The people in Gaza are "imprisoned" because they elected a terrorist organization to

My brother was bullied extensively when he was young and the school would do nothing about it. We are talking being thrown in to trash canes, extreme beatings and even sitting behind him in class and cutting his back with scissors. My parents did everything they could to try to beat the system including calling the

If coconut oil can end up in there by accident then so can the tea tree oil, and as the owner of a vagina I know which one I'd be more concerned about.

The victims were right. The shooter is clearly a Raiders fan.

The victims were right. The shooter is clearly a Raiders fan.

I don't particularly care about either team, but as an impartial observer, the refs completely handed this game to the Seahawks. The possession that culminated in the winning touchdown should never have even happened.

Meanwhile Zimmerman still runs free, even after proving himself to be a goddamn psycho!

Gay people hear that kind of thing all the time. I'm sure they don't care to hear one more idiot's commentary on the "logical" way god made things. Their god also gave men a foreskin, yet they've decided it's proper to chop it off, right? Their god also gave "teh gays" homosexual desire, but gave them the even greater

People are free to express their opinions as long as it agrees with the media's mindset.

Disclaimer: I am not sanctioning this kids actions. I think he belongs in jail.