I am so sad this happened, but this girl is awesome for making a scene and standing up for herself. I'm twice her age, and I'm not positive I could assert myself like that in such a creepy situation.
I dunno... If you're gonna throw punches you're fair game to be punched
Democrats definition of "negotiation"...do it our way or else.
"You don't get a chance to call your bank and say, 'I'm not going to pay my mortgage this month unless you throw in a new car and an Xbox.'"
Yes, all those horrible, evil Republicans who don't want to spend money we don't have on a system that BOTH sides agree has lots of issues that still need to be worked out. Not saying this is the best way to go about refuting Obamacare, but this is a case where both sides are guilty of different things. It takes two…
I don't support what the Republicans are doing, but this analogy makes no sense. The GOP is using the threat of shutdown/default to force spending cuts, not spending increases. A more apt analogy would be one spouse telling another "We can't afford that new car you just bought. I'm not signing the mortgage check this…
Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"
Awright. I say we get some dancin' dong action up in here!
Vote: Smartphone.
Since we're all ignoring your "no phone" recommendations anyway, Alan, I'm going to recommend your smartphone...and NAVIGON. Afaik it's the same map under the hood as Garmin and the interface is better than the few stand alone units I've used. Here are some nice advantages:
I bet she also walks into restaurants that have a 20-minute wait and loses her shit if she sees empty tables. The wait isn't initiated because there are no free tables, dumbass; it's because the kitchen and waitstaff are SLAMMED and even if you sat down now, you wouldn't get food for like an hour. Ugh, these people.
To be honest, I've never understood why people think this is an effective tactic. I've gotten so much more out of simply being polite and kind to others than I ever could get out of losing my temper and going on a tirade.
I really enjoyed it. I'm not going to be like some other people commenting and complain because its not AAA Hollywood quality. This was an amazing production and i really hope they make another one or at least continue the series. Fuck Halo Spielberg, we need Fallout.
I'm going to post this here and it may quite possibly be very unpopular and I have zero fucks to give in that case otherwise I wouldn't be posting it.