
The best way to keep this from happening is to stop opening your legs to drunk dudes you just met at the bar.
Since they don’t remember what the hell your name was, after you do the deed, the only thing they can say is “ hey “ because if they did know your name they would of said that instead of “ Hey “

Ahh look it is another victim of her environment, if only America was democratic enough so that she would not have to break laws to survive.

ohhh the poor poor lady.

ROFL, this is exactly what I was thinking. I was like damn who would of known that the jews were black? I guess if your people had ever been a slave, then you are black.

You had a damn phone when you made the UBER pickup.

Still not asking for it.

Will we be able to get the whole team in before it shuts down?

If he is making all that money he should invest in a Real Doll, they do not talk back, and will eat all your meat.

Tom was raised by parents that felt the word NO would damage his learning skills.
So now when he hears it from a women he goes off the walls angry.
How dare someone say NO to me, my own momma never said NO, so I should not hear it ever in my life.

Malaysia Airlines cannot catch a break. Loosing planes, planes shot down, people getting assaulted. I hate to think what will happen next.

Book provided to the students was called " Fifty Shades of Grey"

So happy that we are finally taking rape seriously. If proved I fully support throwing the book at them, and in this instance it seems it will be proved.

If this happened to my daughter, I would kill the kid, and happily serve the rest of my life in jail with a smile.

I have been saving up quest gold, since the expansion was close to releasing details, I have enough for two wings as well.

Depending on the due process, they could black list the diplomat from their country. Hopefully to keep this from happening again from the same suspect.

I know it is completely counter productive, but whenever I hear about these asshats, it really makes me wonder how they would feel after this happened to them or their children. We need a group of - NOWYOURRAPED squad, that take people who downplay rape and go and sodomize them into understanding that it is not a made

This is the High school I graduated from, It is a very large campus with a good mix of students. I am surprised the faculty went all out on 170 students sending them home when there was not any prior notice about the dress code changes.
Although they always did have a dress code in the first place, no miniskirts, no

But this is all our society does now, is shame people. As if there is not enough things wrong with the world to keep you busy for the rest of our lives.

True, but then that can be fixed with changing your metering settings and ensuring proper lighting. Once again anything a photographer that cares about their craft more than their bank account will figure out.

This is all related to the Kelvin scale of your white balance. Set the white balance correctly and the camera can tell the different between dark and light. I do have to say though that a photographer that has not done any research on their craft will have this problem all the time.