
The best way to keep this from happening is to stop opening your legs to drunk dudes you just met at the bar.
Since they don’t remember what the hell your name was, after you do the deed, the only thing they can say is “ hey “ because if they did know your name they would of said that instead of “ Hey “

On the News today BLM activist attacked by viscous police as he tried to take a run in the fields.
The burglary was just so he could eat, and the home robbery victims should of offered him a sandwich.

Ahh look it is another victim of her environment, if only America was democratic enough so that she would not have to break laws to survive.

ohhh the poor poor lady.

Orgazmo has the best super hero intro music everzzzzzz!

ROFL, this is exactly what I was thinking. I was like damn who would of known that the jews were black? I guess if your people had ever been a slave, then you are black.

You are right I am outraged, that people resist arrest.
And that our police force has to deal with these people every day.

Everyone here is extremely stupid.
Did you even watch the video’s. Did you not see the kids resisting orders?
Did you not see the kids try to square up with the police officers?
Did you not see the other black kids sitting without a knee in their back, because they were not resisting detainment?

OMG I thought this was a dangerous new Flesh light.

We all the real answer for why they are there and in such abundance:

Step 1 - nationalize illegal immigrants.

around 1.5 million illegal immigrants are expected to be nationalized if Homeland security removes their blocking of the Executive action.

Executive action was taken in Nov of 2014.

Conservatives are concerned that you want to force voting, after you just nationalized millions of illegal immigrants. Who the hell do you think they are going to vote for.
The Socialist party that pays them not to work, to have kids, and to live off the state.

You had a damn phone when you made the UBER pickup.

Here is one of my photos from last years spring photo challenge.
Just love the way a blooming poppy looks.

I have friends that drink responsibly and others that do not.
The ones that drink responsibly involve water with their alcohol consumption.
They never get hangovers.
Hydration is the key.
The friends that are not responsible and really are adult children, always get a hangover as they are too stupid to listen to advice to

Still not asking for it.

Could of saved a whole movie if they had lined the fence with the girl to kick it in the face when it tried to jump out.

Whatever the heck that embedded video player is does not like Chrome one bit.

I took a Glacier boat tour from Whittier while visiting friends in nearby Anchorage,
It is a very small town and the tunnel is a fun way to enter the city.
I recommend to go visit and shop at the local stores, then take the Glacier boat tours.