
I love to go shopping with my wife, I get to help her try on all the cute clothes.
I get the chance to let her know right then and there if something she wants to buy is flattering. I dont just clam up when she asks if this makes her butt look big, I tell her the truth and we have a better relationship because of it.

I am referring to external application to reduce possible bacteria that is making it into the vaginal canal.

Coconut oil with a little bit of TeaTree oil is great for not only destroying yeast and bacteria, it works as a great moisturizer.

Second Amendment Man likes football more than you!

Another thing to keep in mind, is these guys had GQ come out with them hunting. They are not working, they are not in a workplace, he was out in the wilderness talking about what he felt. Since we were not there, we really do not know what GQ was asking him at the time.

I also did not read the article so I am curious, Did GQ ask him what he thought about homosexuals? If so then he was prompted a question and he answered it, from what is quoted, very respectfully for someone of his demographic. Most people of his demographic would of explained their disgust with homosexuality in a

I find it so alarming that our country has become so concerned with not offending someone or a group, that we fire people over their personal opinions, or beliefs.

No way to play this game if you have any type of real firewall. ( System error : failed to connect to game ) is a result of being behind a firewall. Great, now I actually have to do work.

I have to agree with MattyH23. Criminals do not follow the law that is why they are criminals. Taking away guns from the mass population provides no way to protect yourself from the people using guns to kill other people.

This is exactly the same as the Bumbo seat. Parents do not follow the directions and their child gets hurt or injured or dies. The Parents inability to follow simple instructions is not the fault of the manufacturer. We live in such a strange day and age that being ignorant or just plain stupid is supported by

I really wanted to like this game, it was not pushy for money like Farmville type games. In between the constant server connection issues, and the "your came data is not synced correctly" errors, to be followed up by the server loosing all my data and I was set back 3 weeks of playing and city building. Needless to

I was raised in a home with corporal punishment for my actions.