
Which is why you read about Hitler in a history book not put his quotes on a clothing line 

You’re a fucking idiot.

This headline seems like it was written using Mad Libs. We truly live in the stupidest time in history.

Stop with the Autobahn crap. Plans for the Autobahn were already made in 1920 and the first parts build were around 1927 by Robert Otzen.

Hitler and the NSDAP, and later on every friggin neo-nazi idiot highjacked the same rhetoric that Hitler invented it.

I mean Hitler was a monster, full stop, but”

(record scratch)

“I’m in no way defending horrible people”
*proceeds to simp for horrible people*

What is your point here, exactly?   

“Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners.”

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

My machine gun turret placements finally have their AA-gun callings

I agree with your take. This is largely why “people who do the actual work” need to work with “people who engage with the community” to ensure that appropriate messages are created.

Your personal opinions on this don't matter. You don't berate your customers, period, even if they're being annoying. This is basic customer service shit 101 and the amount of you saying otherwise is sad.

The greys here are always dumb as shit. 

Yea, I’m truly baffled right now, but maybe I shouldn’t be?

My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it:

Aren’t these reactionary nerds tired of this? Isn’t this life exhausting? This can’t be fun, can it? Just a constant state of anxiety and paranoia in a hobby that’s supposed to be relaxing. This just seems like such an awful, shitty way to live. I mean....yes, if you’re a streamer/content creator, the anti-woke

Hold on wait... Are you saying when morediverse” people are involved in the creative process... they end up with more diverse results? B-but wait... Video games are products with target audiences, right? Are you trying to tell me that other people than me, have money and therefore are also part of that target?

One image showed several pictures of the protagonist Eve from Korean developer ShiftUp’s upcoming action game Stellar Blade, juxtaposed against female characters from Overwatch, Forspoken, and Life is Strange. “Embrace tradition. Reject modernity” is emblazoned on the collage.

I literally laughed the first time Cloud flips a switch in the reactor and Jessie says something like “wow, you’re strong!”

Girl, he had to summon his strength for 10 seconds to flip a switch... it’s not that impressive