
Not every country with universal health care has single payer system.

Wow. You sound a lot like the guy we fired a couple years ago who said that the woman he was harassing should learn how to take a compliment.

Love how you managed to try and squeeze in a comment about the writer’s looks into your word salad.*

Yeah, I honestly think most of them voted out of pure spite - “Let’s show those liberals!”. Some were just embarrassingly conned (I cannot feel bad for them; if you fall for fucking three-card Monte, you deserve what you get), and some were perfectly happy to install a kleptocracy because they’re rich enough to

This is why so many people voted for — and continue to support — Trump even as he promised to gut the programs they depend on for survival. They honestly believe there’s a fundamental difference between the “good” programs for (white) people in “legitimate need” that keep them afloat and the programs that exist to

It’s even worse. What you didn’t mention is that those countries pledged to be spending 2% *by 2024* not overnight.

Look at legislative history. The way that “no” turns to “yes” is that a holdout legislator is offered a sweetener that they can USE in their next campaign. That is what will happen here - there is a full day of arm-twisting left to be had, those 28 are going to be whittled down hourly as they “gain concessions” that

I love how the GOP keeps saying the ACA is in a death spiral. It’s not (according to the CBO), but Republicans did everything they could to kill it:

Wrong- the only thing Zionism necessarily entails is the EXISTENCE of an Israeli government. I am and always have been highly critical of Bibi Netanyahu’s heavy-handed tactics. I think his record on certain issues, such as Palestinians, is awful.

You would wish those hackers who go around finding nude pics of celebs would instead put their minds into uncovering political corruption instead.

Sadly, WE get what they deserve.

I mean, I’m not sure her ability to ‘get away with it’ is down to any sort of talent. She can lie blatantly and keep her job because Trump supporters literally don’t believe in facts anymore and will accept any sort of behaviour as long as it pisses off libtards. She’s certainly an opportunist in the right place at

We are in the ‘golden age’ of political scandal. It is almost too much to process. I blame the ‘deep state’. 

Looks more like the type of employee that gets fired from a farm for having sex with the animals.

Steve King makes it easy to make good choices, because all you have to do is ask yourself, What would Steve King do? and then just do the opposite. So for that I thank him, I guess?

Well I agree that this is a scary bill but privacy issues exist in state-run systems as well. For instance here in Denmark having a history of treatment for mental illness can prevent you from getting jobs, or a driver’s license. I just always feel the need to pipe in when people start to sound a little too

This shit is hilarious. Affordable health insurance only for people who are genetically inclined to being healthy. Hey! I have a thing that you can pay money for every month but will likely not need and you totally won’t be putting any of that money towards helping people who ACTUALLY need it! Fuck those people, they