Bulimia, like all eating disorders, is usually described by a compendium of facts, on informational websites and…
Bulimia, like all eating disorders, is usually described by a compendium of facts, on informational websites and…
Every time there is a crime against a Sikh it should be investigated as a stupidity crime. The perp should get extra prison time as well as mandatory junior high social studies classes.
“All that people care about is the look. 70% of what people react to is the look. 20% is how you sound, 10% is what you say. So if you look and sound good - Big mouth. The eyes. Use the hand. And keep confirming and denying things. Everyone will go wild!”
Elizabeth Warren shut up and rolled over in the course of trying to prevent Jeff Sessions from being confirmed. I still give her credit for trying even though she ultimately failed. Both of these women were silenced by powers higher on the food chain than them.
It’s dictator chic.
yes... Bernie didn’t seem to have much of a command on the issues, although he had great messaging, and Hillary was as knowable as they come. Bernie’s apparent lack of knowledge and seeming lack of interest in building that knowledge truly worried me. Hillary was also a voice for women and children before it was…
but, but … doesn’t the idea of him just seem calmer?
Trump isn’t trying to be a dictator, it just comes to him naturally!
God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?
I don’t believe there’s a current “Son of Sam” federal law - the original was struck down as being un-Constitutional. A few states do have variants of the law, which basically allows time for the victims to intercede and sue. Not sure if Chelsea would have an apparent “victim” in her case though.
It’s easy to forget just how pervasive that feeling of existential dread was during the Cold War (or, for people born after about 1980, to have never known it at all).
I remember having a vague feeling of unease everytime a thunderstorm knocked the power out, because maybe that was an EMP?
Then more recently I read…
I mean, if it’s not a Muslim ban but it’s also not a terrorist ban (since the number of terrorists coming to the US from those countries is Nada), then what kind of a ban is it? A pandering to the uninformed ban? A dick swinging ban? A Steve Bannon ban? A pre impeachment ban?
Except that the order also completely bars entry to those with green cards, with already-issued Visas, and even things like UK citizens with dual citizenship in the effected countries.
The goal was to steal her from fox so fox couldn’t use her. Not to try to actually profit from her.
As do I, and I’m African-American and take nobody’s bullshit.
I honestly do think he was saying “Guerilla effect” there, and even immediately tried to clarify what he meant with “charging.”
When I heard it, I didn’t think he meant “gorilla.” I think he meant “guerilla (tactics)“ but didn’t think of the ambiguous…
While I wholeheartedly agree with you, this may not be a great example to support the case.
Interestingly, rivers had been catching on fire since the turn of the 20th Century. It was considered a natural byproduct of industry. Then the darn “mainstream media” reported on it and, well, everyone including Republicans changed their point of view.
It’s to actually take stock of yourselves. The global left has done a SHIT TON wrong in the world. If the Left wants to disavow Thomas Jefferson as a rapist and a slave owner it should disavow Castro, Mao, and host of other Leftist dictators.
People are retreating to their tribes and seeing their state as less connected to them. This is happening in many parts of the world. So Poles and Americans are seeing their identities as white, black, Catholic, rich, poor, etc and less so as American or Polish.