
This is insane.

Here's a more obvious solution - flush the solid poop. This is not an option when your newborn is pooping liquid, but those hardly smell anyway. Once your kid is pooping nuggets, simply shake into the toilet and flush. The diaper will smell 1000x less offensive. I believe the diaper boxes actually tell you to do this

blame pretty much no woman ever for aborting or killing their newborn

PPD doesn’t happen the moment baby leaves your body. Most people are jacked the fuck up on adrenaline for a while after.

If my parents had tried that I would have ended up named Cookie, for sure.

Have you lost your fucking mind? You’re imposed upon by seeing a well-behaved child? If you only frequent gun ranges and porn theaters, sure, OK. But if it affects you at all to have to see children at the mall then you have a serious defect.

Say kids are well-behaved but toss food on the floor a lot, like little things like rice or beans that would be time-consuming to clean and difficult to see under a dark booth (and while cleaning, could not keep eyes on kids)

I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!

Oh my god, stop. STOP. For the love of god stop engaging commenters only to be dismissive and insulting. There is absolutely no upside, both for you and for Jezebel.

...Said the person who hasn’t had a baby.

Omg everybody, Ladyology would have done something different and her dress size is a 00P and her boyfriend/husband is 6’5” and those qualifications along with her narrow hips make her and her brother who can control the military the defining voice on what is generally an anecdotal story because births like this are

It’s not really up to you if you need a cesarean. It’s up to your physician.

A birth is not a medical emergency. Unless she was bleeding, an ambulance is not going to take you to the hospital an hour and fifteen minutes early. Turn up early and you will be sent home. You call the hospital, they assess your contractions and tell you whether you come in or not. Unless you plan a section,

I can’t get over all the “herp derp why not teleconference” herp derpitude of the comments here. Women who cannot travel in companies where a certain amount of travel occurs are at a distinct disadvantage to men and women who can travel. Travel is political. People are locked out of opportunities at work when they

The whole dividing people into arbitrary generations things is stupid and pointless.

My granddaughter is 6. 100% tomboy. She will not play with girl toys, wear girl clothes (even her underwear are boys), etc. She paints her nails but only because painting is fun and she likes the colors. She has a piggy bank that her grandpa and I give her spare change to save, she earns money here and there doing

I work at a camp for trans/gender varient youth; there are five year-olds that come.

Actually, sometimes we do. We’re not perfect, especially not at 5 years old, when we think 19 cents is enough to start saving for a surgery and that because we found it in the couch, it’s ours. And sometimes, poor parents don’t want to take the 19 cents away from a five year old to pay the bills because the thought of

The NY Historical Society is this history nerd’s favorite NY Museum. They usually have a good exhibit or two, but then the top floor is like open storage. They have all these great little bits of history just packed into display cases! It’s so wonderful! And all right next to the Museum of Natural History. I’d