
Seriously, who makes personal calls when they’re not in the car these days? I have an hour-long commute in each direction, and as soon as I arrive at home or at work, I need to be present and paying attention to the people who depend on me there (co-workers/clients/boss or kids/husband/pets). If I’m calling you at

Dear Unwitting,

I’m not much of a play guy

Where is the “sponsored”/”commerce” tag please?

While I’m annoyed at the 20 nay votes, I’m not surprised. However, it should be noted that the SC House is 2/3 Republican (with the Senate being roughly the same), so to get such a strong mandate from both houses of the legislature is pretty huge.

As a South Carolinian, it’s gratifying to see this measure pass so

This isn’t related to obstetrics, but we had an emergency a few years ago with my youngest daughter - she needed a bronchoscope procedure and they had to call in the on calls to do it because it was at like 9:00 or 10:00 pm. The whole team were women - surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurses, everyone. The surgeon and

I used a midwifery program that was part of a hospital (GW University Hospital in DC) and LOVED IT. I rotated through the midwives during my pregnancy, so I got to know all of them, and am still using my main midwife as my GYN. I really liked being in a hospital in case anything went wrong, but the midwives were

The response I have formulated after 9+ years of being asked when we are going to “give” our daughter a sibling: “After three miscarriages it became apparent that my uterus is for decorative purposes only. But thanks for reminding me about the most painful and heart-wrenching experience I’ve ever had while also

I was thinking Andres Serrano, myself, though perhaps that’s in part because of the oil being yellow...

This picture is actually a great example of how racism always underlies brownface, blackface, and yellowface. The shade of brown is completely different from Desi Arnaz’s skin tone, the guy has not made the same effort to emulate Arnaz’s distinctive hair, and he is making facial and hand gestures not at all associated

Most don’t. Some do. Homeless people are as varied as any other class of people. If you’ve never been harassed or threatened for saying no, then you’re luckier than me.

Right, because if a man refuses to leave you alone after you politely tell him you can’t give him what he asks for, that’s not continued harassment or intimidation at all. Not saying it’s worth pulling a gun out over, but seriously?

I believe FMLA, which currently dictates maternity leave, applies to both parents.

I would love to see Kate walking around with Charlotte in a baby sling.

Dunham may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I would say interning for a best-selling author, successful showrunner, actress, and television writer is pretty goddamn good for a 16-year-old.

For anyone here who says vaccines are dangerous - the method used to produce vaccines has been studied for over 200, close to 300 years. Cars have been around for less. Microwave ovens have been around for less. VACCINES HAVE BEEN AROUND LONGER THAN HANDWASHING AS A MEDICAL PRACTICE.

I guess you’ve never worked your way up anywhere or wanted to succeed professionally in an environment not composed of Carebears and Magic.

Hahaaa, suck it, culinary industry!

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

Badass, indeed. Can we also talk about her impressive upper body strength?