I wonder how much of it is the Chiefs’ players “trying too hard,” as they say, to avoid putting Reid in the position to fuck up the end of the second half like he did the first and like he did the Super Bowl with the Eagles.
I wonder how much of it is the Chiefs’ players “trying too hard,” as they say, to avoid putting Reid in the position to fuck up the end of the second half like he did the first and like he did the Super Bowl with the Eagles.
Sure. But understand that when you say “a culture which African Americans grow up in,” what you’re really saying is “a culture which has developed around a people who have had legal and economic systems enacted against their very beings.”
“It’s an argument found much more frequently in conservative than liberal political circles, where it’s often used as a polite way of saying that the disproportionate violence in black communities isn’t an outcome of America’s history of structural racism and its related ills, but of a unique black pathology.”
Well, now I’m embarrassed.
I think you should take a deep breath and consider whether this piece, in which Deadspin calls for a league they manifestly enjoy mocking to create a commissioner position that is already filled by a person they also manifestly enjoy mocking, might not be, you know, as sincere as you’re giving it credit for being, my…
hundreds, due to fake accounts using abc@abc.com email address
Kelvin Benjamin, the Panthers’ obscenely talented sophomore receiver (and quite possibly the Panthers’ only talented…
Um...pretty sure that’s Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil. It doesn’t take a sharpshooter’s eyes to see that.
Out of habit, the NRA filed an amicus brief on behalf of the NFL when they heard “Clinton” & “Brady” in the same sentence.
This isn’t a court, the NFL can’t issue warrants, they have absolutely no right to search his personal property. I say this as Jets fan who loves that the decision was upheld. Goodell is a moron and his handling of this incident, like every other thing he has done recently, has been appalling.
Roger Goodell has upheld Tom Brady’s four-game suspension for his role in the Patriots’ illegal deflation of…
John McKay coached the Bucs during a 26 game losing streak. Here are some of his best moments:
I really can’t wait for this year's elaborate butthurt responses from NFL fans taking these articles too seriously.
Each time the phrase “Survey says!” was uttered, the Gronks kept mishearing it as “Cervezas!” and Yo Soy Fiesta took over.
“Um, we sent the Vikings to Mars forty years ago.”
The New York Post reports that, during a meeting on Tuesday night, Bill Cosby’s wife Camille told a group of close…
“Henceforth, if you’re going to drunkenly beat the shit out of a woman, do it at a private residence that is not equipped with recording devices. We can make these issues go away as long as there isn’t video evidence. I suspect with this bar ban in effect, I’ll have to kick far fewer players off the team.”
Actually you could not be more wrong. Everyone has an opinion, just because Dustin’s is different than your’s or mine does not mean he is a tool for anyone. Nobody edited his comments and he is not even in the service anymore.
That is far too beautiful a ballpark to ever be mentioned in the same breath as Three Rivers.