This guy is really good at remaining silent when he should say something to the authorities.
This guy is really good at remaining silent when he should say something to the authorities.
I hope you guys are doing this to get comments for a coffee table book at the end of the season called Best Fans in Baseball: “You’re Just Jealous”.
To understand more about CTE, the first step is to develop an animal model, preferably in mouse or rat. Admirably, some labs have done so, despite the large hurdles in getting an ethical protocol approved. Getting approval for these protocols is (understandably) very difficult due to tight restrictions on pain and…
I reread the Washpo piece and nowhere in it does it mention that the bomb was in Mughniyah's Mitsubishi. In fact, it seems to suggest that it was placed in another vehicle, to kill Mughniyah in the open or in his own vehicle. The reference to how "shaped" and focused the blast was suggests that they may have parked…
If I recall correctly, thee Carib can even like like Miller lite. Tastes amazing with sand between your toes.
I had my first "real" coke in Jamaica on the beach. I love the stuff far more than I objectively should.
Wait, wait... Like he doesn't eat the crusts and leaves them on the plate like husks or REMOVES THE CRUSTS from the pizza??? If so, that is fucked up.
Are you new here? Do you understand that being over-the-top is kinda the joke?
Future Tennessean headline:
This is outstanding and needs to be its own article. Thank you.
So I'll take this as a… yes?
I feel like this is all a setup to another chapter of Cleveland sports lore where LeBron twists the knife and gets this close to going back only to go somewhere else at the last second.
That… is pretty darn on-the-money.
I'm dead. I'm in the ground and I'm dead because fun made my death happen.
Man, that is a lot of legal stuff for a drunk dip in a fountain. I guess the fountain dip wasn't that bad, it's the attempted sexual bribery of an officer that really got her.
It was so obvious I'll split the proceeds with you.
Good point. Delicate balance.
I'm Neil O'Donnell. I took the Steelers to Superbowl XXX. Unfortunately we lost. Don't worry about it, nobody remembers me anyway.
I disagree. When I listened to that, I hear some sourness to his grapes. Maybe the NBA scouts don't care in this case, but I think Boeheim is smart enough to know that little things like this interview can be effective in sending a message to current and future players.