
This right here. I grew up in a place where I really didn’t have to think about being black. There was racism but it wasn’t entrenched, institutional racism. The school you went to or how you spoke would do more to doom you or raise you up than your skin color. Which is not to say that’s great but those at least are

I met a woman FROM PHILLY who didn’t lock doors. Any doors. Car, home, nothing. Like, on principle. And she had young kids! I was like “I don’t understand you at all. I might rob you later.

I’m a teacher, so I always like asking people without kids in school, “How do you know it’s a bad school? Have you talked to parents or kids that go there? Is there something about the building or staff that you’ve heard about...?”

Yeah its *always* the schools. Nobody would say “I want to move to an area that is mostly white,” but everyone says “I want to move to an area with good schools” (even when they dont have children)... We get it. 

I still think its the ultimate hypocrisy how many Trump supporters champion her while degrading Michelle Obama. Saying shit like “finally, a First Lady with class”. Michelle Obama was Ivy League educated and that still wasnt enough. Melania Trump is literally the antithesis of everything the mostly White racist

I’ve been reported for a “threatening tone” for just being flat in an email before 🙄😒 Not every email needs to be excited, Susan.

Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”

You just posted more tech content than Gizmodo has done all day.

I’m glad to just be a non-celebrity boring midwest mom because I fall for that “it’s a bunch of women and we share experiences and support each other” crap all the time. But in my world, it just means I get stuck going to a lot of MLM parties rather than being recruited for a sex cult. Although to be honest, I’d

i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.

It makes perfect sense tbh. In many blue/metropolitan areas there are plenty of people who consider themselves very socially liberal but slightly economically conservative (mostly those who are well off or upper-middle class and want lower taxes), but social issues will ALWAYS trump economic issues for them in the

It’s a tough choice but I like to open with anti vaccination to test the water.

I feel bad for people who are vegan, do Cross Fit, and have also quit watching The Walking Dead. I mean, which one do you bring up unsolicited first?

Knows who to call for a mercenary army? He’s the one you call!!

why is towel kitty presenting?

Funny thing is that they were respectful. They just didn t let the adults weasle their way out of answers.

I’m a historian and I do history docs that run on PBS, and I LOVE Drunk History. Because the number one problem facing history and padagogy is that there isn’t enough sense of fun. History has so much about it that is outrageous and hilarious, and it doesn’t all need to be given the overly reverential Ken Burns

They would’ve been called unpatriotic and CNN would have to assemble a panel of “experts”.’s such an impossible situation.