
My metaphors tend to come from classic cinema (I don’t happen to watch GOT). So my ideal of a politician with a spine is Henry Fonda in any of the three such roles he played back to back: Fail Safe, The Best Man, and Advise and Consent. In all three, he had to face either domestic or geo political crises and made the

I don’t know. I read that article this morning and was surprised at the number of comments about it being “sad.” IMO, just the fact that Smith is 94 years old and has enough mental acuity to be aware of her irrelevance automatically makes it not sad. What is unfortunate is that she only defines herself by what she


Hottest of Taeks- Stephen King is a great writer. However he is middling at best at many of his endings. IT being one of them.

I think you’re reading into that your own baggage...

“They can’t call our President a toddler.”

Every time I hear about that the cat died tragically after being put on a diet. My suspicion is that they died from broken hearts (cats love food more than anything).

“Mr. Trump, I could stand for you undermining me, snubbing me, making me look like a jackass by subtweeting or directly contradicting the spin I was laying down in my pressers, refusing to let me visit the Vatican despite my deeply Catholic roots, giving Sarah my job, making me the fall guy for all of your lies,

O’Dowd: “Jessica, I really like you.”

There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.

I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.

It makes me laugh that the lawyer you spoke to is called Rachel Green, because she didn’t qualify for an annulment.

Funny story about Michael Caine. I had no idea who he was. I was living in a town he has a house in and we were in a tea shop near the restaurant he has in this town. I was buying tea as a gift with my then-boyfriend and his best friend (both Iranian) who know tea. I don’t drink tea. So, we are buying tea and

I feel the same, but it’s the truth and even Sir Michael admits it.

I was going through old wedding video the other day... and sure enough, Michael Caine was in it.

I feel like my husband and I are always like “who are our friends?” “oh right no one”.

I just noticed today that Comey has very large hands—-I feel like that’s probably the root of what this is all about.

I’m hoping for AG Jeff Goldblum.


Yeah, and the only reason she’s semi famous is because there’s an “i” in tits. (See what I did there?)