Any parent who just hands their child to a stranger should be ashamed. That child did not want to be there. This is why sexual assault is such a big problem - children are repeatedly taught that they don’t get a choice in where/how/from whom they receive affection.
Because Melania is dumber than a box of rocks and/or honestly doesn’t remember remeeting Natasha Stoynoff.
As I understand it from someone in the industry (I have no idea myself) People now has a reputation for an ironclad top-of-their-game legal department, who do very, very thorough cross-checks before anything is allowed to go to print.
If Kim Kardashian comes out with a really thoughful op-ed on this election I may have to shoot myself.
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.
“You’re watching the television. Suddenly, you notice there’s a wasp on your arm.”
She’s not human enough to be a replicant.
“Did someone say Kampf?”
When I look at her, all I can think of is Quint describing a shark’s eyes.
She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.
It is too much to ask for other people to be brave, when she’s not brave enough to name who she’s talking about.
Well, according to 538, the Dems have a 72% chance to win the Senate so John McCain can go fuck himself.
43 days? Is this an 11/28 Trump joke?
I could probably produce a whole bunch of tales about this, but I’ll settle for the most recent outing, which contained no less than THREE things you’d rather not hear a doctor say. (And if any of my real-life friends read Jez comments, I’m about to doxx myself, so.)
My wife, during her single days, got a condom stuck in her. She said she’ll never forget the look on the internist’s face as he plucked it out with a barely concealed look of disdain on his face.
He’s just jealous that he didn’t get that awesome name. ‘Carlos Slim’. That is 80s buddy cop level awesomeness right there. With a name like that, the man was clearly destined for great things.
I am fully expecting an extra, smaller appendage (like an arm with a dick on the end of it) to emerge from the part in his hair. He is a lecherous rapemutant.
Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
It will never end. His ongoing rhetoric regarding a revolution is going to propel us into fucking chaos. It is going to take us years to heal and the “war” hasn’t even started yet. If we are able to win over some Republican seats in Congress this fall, it might not be so bad but who knows?