Or her gardener in the Hamptons.
Or her gardener in the Hamptons.
That means, “I was married to Frank Gifford, the football version of Dean Martin; spent years with Regis Philbin; loud leering men are my jam, but I need to make it clear that Billy Bush is sleazy pondscum and his soul is damned and I do not want my name in his mouth.” It’s actually pretty shady for someone as corny…
She has Jesus in her life and feels this is just not right
I assume “Jesus” is an affordable Napa Valley Chardonnay.
This is the best photo yet! Vampires behind dragons!
Again—I’m not trying to be down on you, specifically, or anybody else, specifically. And I’m certainly not trying to be holier than thou. Maybe I shouldn’t have posted anything—cause—from all your comments, I really like and respect you. I really am just generally tired of us talking about women’s appearances. The…
Looks like someone just went way overboard with the Marilyn Monroe eye make-up and false lashes but, yeah, she startled me.
She’s not wrong. Don’t know why that makes me sad for her.
Came here to ask if Courtney was wearing a Courtney mask.
You’re assuming he hasn’t already been doing that.
You’ve described her so perfectly. Two roles I really loved her in were ‘Short Cuts’ and ‘Crush’ (if you haven’t seen Crush, the young man in the role opposite Andie’s is awfully cute). She seems genuinely down to earth, as well. She lives in my neighborhood, apparently, and asked my best guy friend if he knew of…
“Gentle” is a fantastic word. She’s only one of a very, very small number of actresses who convincingly could pull off that romance in “Groundhog Day” despite the relentless levels of asshole Phil Connors is pre-loop, in that she could forgive/love him that quickly without feeling like a pushover or being at the whims…
I put her, Vanessa Williams, and Jane Seymour in the same gentle, ethereal category. I think Liv Tyler may end up in the same bracket, too.
The worst part of all of this, is that everything that we are forced to endure now (“lock her up” etc) are things that will be amplified throughout her presidency.
I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.
Remember when the press sulked for-goddamn-ever about Hillary not wanting to do press conferences, despite still going on TV and doing interviews? How are they feeling now? Trump hasn’t had a press conference (the end-all, be-all of running for President, apparently) since the summer, wont talk to anyone but Fox &…
History will be so rightfully nasty to them and I’m looking forward to that. Try justifying “I said it was textbook racism but still supported him anyways, even through the insults of every non-white group of people and even after he admitted to sexual assaulting women.”
Meh. She inserted herself in the narrative. You lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Hopefully this will be a learning experience.
Honestly, unless Ben was joking about “grabbing women by the pussy”, I doubt anyone really would have cared what he said after this weekend.