
I hope it's a sitcom about a group of late twenties white people living in New York! *Fingers crossed*

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

My wife is so confident, and she showed it on the night we met. She sought me out, did all the initial flirting, suggested I take her home, kissed me first, invited me to go camping as a first date, etc etc etc. She didn't hold anything back those first few dates. I was blown away.

I'm a big believer in the fact that every great wedding needs a minor disaster or two. Gives all the people who don't know each other that well something to talk about. "Oh hey, you're joe's aunt? I'm his coworker. Good cake huh? And what about that pair of total randos making out at the bar? Who the heck let THEM

Numerous fashion faux pas. The worst was probably the year of Very Large Round Glasses. I wanted to look like Audrey Hepburn, but I think it ended up being more Swifty Lazar.

You have to be insanely hot to get away with it, though. And then the problem is that non-hot people try to adopt it and just fail miserably. (Ask me how I know.)

Anyone else notice the person in period dress and elf ears (?) in the far-left of the top video still (also visible at 00:11 and 00:12)?

I wanted to reconnect with a friend I had a falling out with, so I went searching for him on the internet. Not able to find much on his name, I googled his phone number to see if he still had the same number. I found his number cached on a dead site where he said he was going to fly to California to defend a

My dad's Youtube channel. He makes tribute videos to 'fallen soldiers' (people he plays video games with online who have died or have stopped playing) and then adds really sappy music to it. It's the saddest/most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever seen.

a new guy started at work, and he was a very odd character. bipolar, divisive. so i poked around a tiny bit online, a kind of "who hired this guy?" search, starting with linkedin and moving out from there. within 3 link-clicks, i was on his pinterest, which was all shots of himself, or rather, of his butt. i closed my

My penis was in the Guinness book of world records… …until I got kicked out of the library.

Ha. Agree. I was referring to the (rather obvious, imo) sarcasm of the post you responded to.

That's definitely different, and yes, because he's the president. But not just because he's the president, but because he doesn't go on TV promoting a show about his life. Give her a little credit, do you really think she's so gone that she doesn't understand how the trash-tv viewing population sees not wearing a bra?

The noise of all of them trying to talk at once is the thing of which my nightmare are made. I couldn't make it past the 30 second mark.

And a great PSA for anyone watching "The View": don't be fooled by that table's "wooden" delivery. It wasn't born/crafted yesterday.

The table is first.

Lindsay is the second smartest one at that table.

Mesmerizing. I think I might be hypnotized.

1. Don't know

Lobster mac and cheese is one of those ideas that sounds brilliant until you try it. Then you realize why no one was fucking making it until five years ago.