Have you met every single person on this side of the internet except for me?
Have you met every single person on this side of the internet except for me?
Natural? That’s cute.
In every single picture in the exact same way?
No it’s an hour long program.
Maybe, and I can see the conundrum. But we’ve had children come out as transgender and other things like that. When fb removes it, it becomes censorship even if their cold legal hearts are in the right place.
The original post is back up Mark. I know this since I shared it on my page and it disappeared for a bit but is now back up.
I doubt Brandon would have posted that without parental approval. You can’t out an eight year old without a lawsuit and the internet turning on you.
Why the heck would someone wear a fake wedding ring?
They’ll be fine—Dolezal should have her own talk show premiering at the same time as they do in September.
I really like it so much better. Plus you can do it indoors. Plus, you don’t smell. Plus, it really is probably way better for you. Plus it’s cheaper. Doooo eeeeeeeeeeeet!
43 here and switched to vaporizer (ecig). Makes me feel better and I don’t stink. Just a suggestion, if you want to at least transition to something “safer”. (Although for all I know, blue mushroom patches are growing inside my throat from it.)
Jesus. Ouch for both. I was working in a bar once and was outside smoking when a drunk dude threw a rock at me. Oh and sand. Small scar over my eye, thank you very much.
No matter what happens, you will always be able to say that you knew Camille before she became Saint Camille. (Plus, Allison knows when you’re going to die, so there’s that.)
Oh my gosh—I loved Homefront. That was the first time I saw John Slattery and even as a teenager I thought he was silver fox freaking sexy.
She looked really tall to me and was likely wearing heels (I recall her wearing a fancy outfit. Not like a gown, but professional fancy). And just googled both of them and she’s 5’6 and Bruce Campbell’s over 6 ft tall, so there’s that. Had to have been heels then.
I’m a girl, first of all—well, if middle-aged can still be called “girl” anyway. And if you were to look at my history—which goes back to 2009-ish, btw—I comment about two to three times a day on average. It’s sort of sweet that you’ve paid some attention though, which just means that your chosen username is at least…
Ugh, yes—they both sound awful.
I did not realize he had to leave the country. Regardless, they were born here and he made that choice to have kids with her under those conditions. He should have found work here perhaps and then he would have had a different visa assignment than just being married to an American? I don’t know.
Maybe she did. I don’t personally know anyone involved, except the very little I’ve read of it on here. But short of her abusing the children in some way, she deserves to be around them half of the time and obviously wants to be.