
I’m not saying she’s necessarily a better parent. Or did I say that and I’ve both somehow forgotten and it also disappeared from my comment? I was, however, saying that because her ex-husband took her children to a faraway country where she would have little work options available to her, he effectively made it

Good. Fuck that guy. She lost a couple of really important years with her own children that she’ll never get back.

They partly put it on themselves though when they decide that they are okay with the death penalty even existing. After all, assuming I have my facts correct, if any of the jurors had said before they were selected that they are against the death penalty under all circumstances, they could not be selected for a case

It only took a few years. Kinja is a slow burn.


No don’t remove it. I guess I was thinking in terms of how so many people know about my difficult relationship with my mom and I’d be coming in as an unnecessary Debbie downer. No worries.

I so dream of posting this on Facebook this morning sandwiched between every post of what is apparently everyone else’s blissful upbringing, but I can’t. I recognize that it would be rude. Let them have their day. But I do so love this. When I was a kid I watched this movie with my mom and she turned to me and said

My mother, from whom I am estranged, sent me a link to that website. An email with nothing but that link. She thought it would (cough) bring us together, I guess.

Well she certainly wins the prize for the longest lasting most permanent mind-fuck of all time. Sorry that happened to you. I hope yyou’ve had a good support system.

Nice glasses. On both you and you.

^ Is that you?!

Your dedication to reality television continues to impress me.

Well, as old as timeline maybe.

Are you article-shaming?

If it’s loose, it’s because she mostly talks out of it.

It’s probably that and the company he provides (she’s the loneliest person, especially with all the kids gone now) and the “purpose” he gives her as caretaker.

Kyle is most definitely petty and often awful in her own way, but she appears to be the righteous one in that relationship.

The thing about Kim is that I was always under the impression that beneath the substances there was a genuinely sweet, but woefully fragile person. Over the course of this season I’ve observed her show that she is awful to the bone, both drunk and sober. Her behavior was so inexcusable, her tactics so dirty, her

Crouching Christianity, Creeping Sharia

I perused the site and could not find any info on whether you are required to be an American citizen.