Yeah yeah you’ve commented on 3 different posts about it. Don’t give up 48 points, loser.
Yeah yeah you’ve commented on 3 different posts about it. Don’t give up 48 points, loser.
Gabe’s take on this is so bad it feels like he had money on the game.
Not to mention the apparent supposition that there’s virtually no way Kansas State could have either stopped OU from going 38 yards nor won in OT.
You missed the point. That one replay cost Oklahoma the game and maybe season, NOT giving up 48 points to Kansas State.
Kobe cheats on her with rapes the hotel attendant.
No he made a stupid comment congratulating Minor and CB Bucknor on his 200th strikeout because every member of the Boston sports media deserves to be set on fire
How can I attain that euphoric high of moral superiority via your method, though?
Pretty sure Tomatoface escaped his enclosure on this one.
If you can’t watch the video, you should be aware that this mouse is not merely immune to scorpion venom, but converts it to a painkiller!
Yes, it is absolutely his fault you didn’t get the joke.
Lol that’s the joke
Man, hope that dude doesn’t run into Brian McCann anytime soon.
People... pay... to watch James Dolan... perform music.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Florida child.
‘A 9-year-old from Florida was singled out and flung into the air’
No, I think it’s a rugby thing in Cape Town, South Africa.
Don’t even worry about it bro.