Nathan Explosion

Right? This is such a garbage take I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t a cross post from the Onion.

I’d say it’d give the content mills far less content for him to just flatly answer that question “no, we filmed before all that happened” than for him to cry about it like a baby who lost his binky, so if his goal was to deprive content mills of content, he’s doing it wrong. 

There is a none percent chance they queued up a replay, reviewed it, made that decision, and then communicated it to the refs on the field in the eleven seconds that elapsed between those two plays

It’s important to remember, though, that the Jets are still a thing

2/10 troll job...obviously calculated misspelling, lazy and old “players are millionaires so shut up and play” take, engaging with every element of every reply's criticisms... Do better

I mean that's fine if you don't want to be invited to Dorsia. I got a res

BWAA HOF voters come in at a 12 seed that could make some noise

As a Blues fan I can 100% relate. Congrats! William Shatner's really helped distract...from the awfulness...of the takes

I’d suggest chemical castration for these fuckwits but it seems like their personalities would still be doing the heavy lifting

I also read that article. The goal differential tidbit was a real punch in the stomach. I’m reasonably certain I audibly “OOF”ed when I saw that.

It’s also the first time a 26-year-old named Bryce has ever been sober in the Wrigley bleachers

I’m confused; I didn’t give 8 options

Oh of course. I’ve always had a soft spot for them for that very reason.

Honestly outside of direct matchups with the Blues, I have no particular beef with the Sharks, largely due to the solidarity of being all too familiar with postseason heartbreak. Also I think Thornton is criminally underappreciated outside his home market.


This is simultaneously obligatory and a dick move. And here we were teetering on the edge of civility.

As a Blues fan I appreciate the sentiment, but also refuse to consider the series won until the final horn...There’ve been so many playoff kicks to the balls during my time as a Blues fan that the Sharks could put a ticket taker in net and I’d still have a lingering concern that we’d find a way to fuck it up.

It’s also not difficult to squeeze out bitchy internet comments because you're offended other people liked a thing, but you certainly don't seem to mind that

I don’t think you are giving proper deference to the burden imposed by having people occasionally ask you if you like a thing and then having them recommend that thing to you. It’s harrowing. Especially when they *gasp* try to give you reasons you might like it.