Nathan Explosion

He made has money playing in college, everybody knows that

So the replacement guy did a bad job? Seems odd he still won the tournament

That reasoning would be sound if that were the stated purpose of damages in PI cases. The point of damages, however (for better or worse) is supposed to be to “make one whole”... It’s replacing money they’d have otherwise made but for the accident. 30k guy probably wasn’t going to be making 300k. You’re right that the

Co-signed, stateside... The idea after an accident is not too generate a windfall but to “make you whole,” i.e. to put you where you would have been but for the accident. Certain egregious circumstances warrant punitive (i.e. hey asshole who did this, you get to pay to make them whole and here’s another chunk of

From what I’ve been reading it seems the trademark is still active in the US. The EUIPO runs independently from the USPTO so this likely won’t have an impact stateside. But generally speaking, as to your US hypothetical, the answer depends. You’re right about the basis of trademark protection being preventing

Unlike patents, you don’t need to prove the merits of a trademark or the “trademarkability” of something before you can assert your rights under it. So rather than (or sometimes in addition to) arguing that their use did not amount to infringement, an alleged trademark “violator” will often defend themselves from an

“Seemed like the right call to me

Most men perceive the topic of cunnilingus with extreme embarrassment and will definitely never publicly admit that they do it and, moreover, they like it.

And in case those big numbers look scary, that ‘14-15 season figure breaks down to about one fight every three NHL games. In ‘17-18, it was down to one fight every four games.

dampen the cloth with a combination of 70% percent isopropyl alcohol and diluted water in a spray bottle

I only missed “wiffle ball” because I spelled it “whiffle” and will be registering a formal protest to increase my score by 1

This is the same slapdick who posited on Friday that the Pats dynasty would be over because the Rams were going to “Dominate” them, and I can’t believe I even noticed that because it’s far from the first (or worst) garbage take to fall out of his dumb brain. I may be more surprised that anyone else is surprised he’s

You heard the man, though...he just walks down the street and people recognize him....sadly for him, the standard for defamation is higher for public figures.

Today I learned that calling someone out for spewing forth a nonsensical garbage-ass HOTTAEK = “being triggered”...if I didn’t know any better I’d think he’s using a defense mechanism of some sort. Or is incapable of putting together a rational thought. Either/or.

Where in that Arians/Brown article was there any insinuation related to race? Or any hot takes of any kind, for that matter?

“Not hurting anyone”? I watched the above clip twice and now my ears are bleeding

Same here! It was a pleasant surprise the first time I checked my credit report, because I hadn’t used or even carried it for years, but it’s attached to an account that’s been open for considerably longer than I’ve been alive

And that guy peed on it, dude

Googling this was worth it. +1